It's been a loong while huh? Lotsa things happened and so many pics were taken but I guess I lost the urge to blog. I'd rather watch the steady rhythm of my son's breathing while he is sleeping than to blog about what has transpired in my life. But today with The Don away on reservist and MM sleeping the day away I guess I'll drop a line or two.
Oh yeah his reservist sucks!!! 2 days in camp n 2 days off for two weeks is quite hard for someone like me who has spend very few nights away from him. Especially since MM's arrival. When he's home I'm like Helen Mirren (The Queen, for those of you who don't watch the Oscars) He bathes MM in the mornings and evenings, change all his pampers, puts him to sleep and even does his fair share of the housework. All I do is provide the milk supply when it is needed and cook, of course. He even wakes up in the middle of the night to burp his son when I'm done feeding him. So you bet I miss him like crazy when he's on reservist! he he
The Don is as considerate as husbands could ever be. He knows that being at home, all I do all day is entertain that lil' munchkin so when he's home he takes over and lets me take a break and do my thing. He even insisted I go out with my gal frens and have some "single time" while he takes care of MM.
Its amazing how having the little one totally changes our perspective. The Don and I used to hit the movies whenever a good movie hits our shores and we're never home on weekends and public holidays, always with a plan up our sleeves, usually involving a road trip. But recently, we're more than contented staying home, playing with our son and watching DVD marathons. At most, we'd hit the parks in the late afternoons to let MM get some sun and make a pitstop at the malls to get some baby supplies. And if I never gave a glance at supermarket adverts in the papers then, now I go through them diligently looking for any promotion for MM's pampers. (We recently bought about 3 mths supply of Pampers since they were going for 2 packs @$35 instead of $24 each)
We do try to make sure we have our couple time. It certainly helps that my mom is staying with us (and thank God for the invention of breast pumps) because almost nightly, The Don and I will sneak out for some late night shopping or supper. But almost always, we both want to rush home although neither of us will ever admit it. The power this tiny chap has on us is unbelievable!!!
But I'm thankful that MM is fuss free (so far n Insya'allah will always be) He started sleeping through the night even before he was 1 mth old and when I started introducing the bottle when he turned 2 mths, he took to it like fish to water. (Mcm da biasa plak die minum botol) He hardly cries and I can leave him to play on his own while I cook / eat / whatever. Even when he was down with flu last month, he wasn't cranky and was his usual chirpy self. And when we went back to Pahang last month (7 hrs car ride to and another 7hrs car ride back) he slept the whole way!!!! Alhamdulillah.
Oh yeah his reservist sucks!!! 2 days in camp n 2 days off for two weeks is quite hard for someone like me who has spend very few nights away from him. Especially since MM's arrival. When he's home I'm like Helen Mirren (The Queen, for those of you who don't watch the Oscars) He bathes MM in the mornings and evenings, change all his pampers, puts him to sleep and even does his fair share of the housework. All I do is provide the milk supply when it is needed and cook, of course. He even wakes up in the middle of the night to burp his son when I'm done feeding him. So you bet I miss him like crazy when he's on reservist! he he
The Don is as considerate as husbands could ever be. He knows that being at home, all I do all day is entertain that lil' munchkin so when he's home he takes over and lets me take a break and do my thing. He even insisted I go out with my gal frens and have some "single time" while he takes care of MM.
Its amazing how having the little one totally changes our perspective. The Don and I used to hit the movies whenever a good movie hits our shores and we're never home on weekends and public holidays, always with a plan up our sleeves, usually involving a road trip. But recently, we're more than contented staying home, playing with our son and watching DVD marathons. At most, we'd hit the parks in the late afternoons to let MM get some sun and make a pitstop at the malls to get some baby supplies. And if I never gave a glance at supermarket adverts in the papers then, now I go through them diligently looking for any promotion for MM's pampers. (We recently bought about 3 mths supply of Pampers since they were going for 2 packs @$35 instead of $24 each)
We do try to make sure we have our couple time. It certainly helps that my mom is staying with us (and thank God for the invention of breast pumps) because almost nightly, The Don and I will sneak out for some late night shopping or supper. But almost always, we both want to rush home although neither of us will ever admit it. The power this tiny chap has on us is unbelievable!!!
But I'm thankful that MM is fuss free (so far n Insya'allah will always be) He started sleeping through the night even before he was 1 mth old and when I started introducing the bottle when he turned 2 mths, he took to it like fish to water. (Mcm da biasa plak die minum botol) He hardly cries and I can leave him to play on his own while I cook / eat / whatever. Even when he was down with flu last month, he wasn't cranky and was his usual chirpy self. And when we went back to Pahang last month (7 hrs car ride to and another 7hrs car ride back) he slept the whole way!!!! Alhamdulillah.
MM will turn 3 mths tomorrow but you'd never guess his real age if u were to meet him. He acknowledges people he recognizes around him by smiling at them, has loud and noisy "conversations" with whoever willing to engage him and absolutely refuses to lie down or be carried horizontally if he were not nursing, prefering to sit up straight instead. I could leave him on his own for hours with his mobile as he just loves those dangling noisy toys. ok ok I could go on forever.......
Its just amazing how the world has seemed to change for The Don and me with the arrival of our munchkin. Suddenly nothing matters more than this gem we have been awarded with.
BTW have you heard the age-old question of Who would you save first in a ship wreckage - your spouse or your child? Suddenly the question seems so stupid. I'd save my son in a heartbeat and I certainly don't expect anything less from The Don.