Monday, December 13, 2004


My cousins called The Don and me asking where we were going for our honeymoon. When we said we were going to SENTOSA, they were audibly upset. One cousin even offered to sponsor half the cost of our honeymoon to Australia, if we want. hehehe So sweeeeett of them.

Ok ok .... I'll fess up. We are going to the ULTIMATE honeymoon destination. The most romantic city in the world (or so they say)

(Click the title to see where)


ieda said...

whoaa..some girls get all the luck in the world..what i'd give 2 go in ur place :p nway, congrats 4 ur upcoming wedding..hopefully all will go beautifully..wishing u love and happiness always..

naniz said...

awww...dats such a romantic place! wish i cld have da same fortune in life as urs. eerrrr..need someone to carry ur shopping bags? hehe...

Musang said...

hé vous, ainsi vous va à Paris ? oui, c'est la ville la plus
romantique au monde, comme la ville de la poche de sélection et de
l'espoir de fraude que vous les types apprécient la lune de miel, et
soigneux de votre appartenir.

salut !

Ash said...

Heylo there~!

I've seen your name in other blogs before but never took the time to visit. Well, better late than never huh?

Anyways, have a merry wedding and a happy honeymoon~!