Friday, June 16, 2006

A Day To Remember...

Tomorrow 17th June 2006 is the day I turn 16 oops! I mean 26. I usually celebrate my birthday with much pomp and fanfare with cakes, huge bouquets of flowers, presents and usually a little special something from my Darling Don. Since we've been married, we either get the poshest hotel room we can afford (without robbing the bank) to stay the weekend or thats the day he gives me free reign to pick out anything I want. (thats the only day he will accompany me shopping and not groan)

But as the years go by, I have begun to realise that your birthday is not so much a day for you to celebrate. After all what did you do on that day except make your way into this world, got a smack on the butt and wailed your lungs out? Our mothers, on the other hand, went through hell and highwater to expunge us out of her systems. Assisted or not, it was a near life-or-death moment for her and if anybody should be celebrating, shouldn't it be her? Or better still, we should celebrate the day with our mom to show her our appreciation at having borne us, suffering for the 40 weeks (or more), our constant kicking in the middle of the night and God knows whatever else we did while inside her womb.

So I think this year, I will make a change. Instead of the day being about me, it shall be about my Umi... and what she went through to bring me into this world.

But I think I'll allow myself this one bit ....


Anonymous said...

that is sweet,but why not celebrate the day with her,in that way both of u guys will have fun

Lisa said...

Happy 26th birthday, Jenab!

The Misery Chick said...


Dilip Mutum said...

You are still young, at least compared to me ;-) Belated Happy birthday.

Musang said...

happy belated birthday dahling!! but tell you what... you didn't look a day over 22 yet...

pakai SK II ke?

shsuya said...

Thank you guys!!!..

-> Musang I pakai Estee SKII tak main heheheh

-> Kak Liza thank u sooo much for that "mail" terkejut I pepagi postman da dtg....
and 25th sounds so much better than 26th...