The Abah (as the Don shall henceforth be called) and I have been having this tug-of-war regarding the naming of our bebe. He wants it as simple as they come (one word name like his) while I insist there must be either Ahmad or Muhammad in the name (as is the tradition in my family), followed by another name of our choice. As a compromise (his idea of a compromise that is) he suggests just having the name Muhammad. While the name itself has the best meaning one could ask for, there is a high possibility that the name will be shortened to Mamat or worst Mat(Urrggh!!) Besides, my nephew whose full name is Syed Muhammad Abdul Hamid is already called by the name Muhammad. So I guess thats OUT! OUT! OUT! (phew!)
So after numerous books of names and countless websites of baby names, we are still at the drawing board, clueless, exasperated and running out of steam. Obviously we haven't been addressing our bebe with any name yet and I think its so sad. A name will make our conversations so much more intimate. And besides, I heard from a recent mother that her child already recognized her name at birth and turned her head as they said out her name. If only we could speed up with this naming process.
To be honest I have a few choice names that I have always thought was nice. But the one who says he should have more say since after all the bebe's name will be linked to his has not given me a final answer. He keeps saying he is still thinking about it and will get back to me soon. Maybe I should give him a due date huh? No names by a certain date then its my choice!!!! *evil laugh*
Whenever I get exasperated and I pile on the pressure on him to choose a name he will make light of the issue and say "Alah susah susah kalau da keluar nanti takde nama kita kasi lah nama Ahmad Albab!" Boleh gitu!!!!!
Anyway since at least his first name is confirmed, we have decided to call him Baby Muhammad for the time being. At least until his choosy daddy can decide on a name for him. Now our conversations (is one person talking and the other kicking constitutes a conversation?) are so much more interesting. And judging from his kicks, I think he likes his name. (ok ok my imagination!)
And talking about kicking, Baby Muhammad sure loves to kick! And he sure finds very "interesting" times to practise his kicks. Without fail every morning I will be jolted out of bed by 6.30am by his kicks and very very late at night when we are getting to bed. My mother tries endlessly to rub my tummy and speak to her grandson hoping to feel his kick but not once has he given his granny any leeway. But when his father puts his hand on my belly, no matter how lightly, he will immediately respond. What a daddy's boy!
Now if only his Abah will give his boy a proper name! *sigh*
cekik darah punye abah. hahaha!
banyak sangat nyanyi lagu "aci aci bukak pintu" eh?
I think the name Muhammad is nice and simple. If pronounced the Arabic way instead of the Malay way.....
Like Moo-ham-med and not moo-ha-mad.
If I had a baby girl I'd name her Aliya. But my uncle beat me to it. My fault partly bec I told him the name is nice. :P
Hey gal! I'm so excited for you :)wish one of my sis-in-laws can give birth to another baby boy. that would be great! then,my darling Izzat has a partner-in-crime.
Pasal nama tu,i remembered about what i learnt in class. You should couple the name "Muhammad" with another good name (in ur case the abah's choice..if he can come up with it! or urs if otherwise)
Good luck in name-searching :) we shd meet up for iftar or sumthg.been busy in preparing events lately :(
Lisa --> At this rate anak aku tak bernama lah ....
Maya --> next time keep the nice names to yourself hehe
naniz--> we should b planning something soon. will get back at cha soon.
Lizanoor --> tak boleh asik nak molest aje eh panggil polis baru tahu!!
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