Phew! Managed to make it through the first day of fasting without a glitch. I was quite worried since I can't seem to go by 4 hours without eating something. My usual intake of food was usually in the morning before I leave for office at 7.30am, lunch at 12noon, somthing to munch at 5pm and then dinner latest by 8pm. If I'm late or miss a meal I will feel quesy and puke. Undoubtedly I was quite worried and wondered if I could make it through this fasting month. A quick check with some of my friends who went through the holy month of Ramadhan in the state of pregnancy showed they were relatively unscathed and I was determined to make it through somehow too. Besides, just thinking about the sheer no of days of fasting I will have to repay is enough to steel my resolve even more. Hehe
I kept myself very busy the whole day in an effort to keep my mind away from food and hunger pangs. Baby Muhammad's first piece of furniture, a dresser, arrived in the morning and I busied myself lining the drawers with scented baby blue lining, folding and re-folding and re-folding his cute cute teeny weeny baby clothes then decided that I wanted to hang them instead. Fickle huh?
I have amassed quite a selection of clothes. I started buying as soon as I knew it was gonna be a boy and I haven't stopped since. I re-discovered online shopping and went CRAZY!! Those I couldn't get them to ship here to Singapore (like Baby Gap), I managed to find someone who knew someone in the States who would get it and send it to me. And I found this small inconspicuous shop near my office (thanks to fellow forummers) that sell lothes imported in bulk at nearly wholesale prices. And my dearest sister-in-law went to HK last month and bought for her soon-to-arrive nephew over a dozen Baby Gap, Carters and Osh Kosh b'Gosh clothes from new born right up till 12 months. Baby Muhammad is sure a lucky boy to have such a generous aunt ain't he? So I spent quite an afternoon tucking away his clothes in the new walnut dresser to while away my time. And before I knew it, it was already nearly evening and I didn't once think of food. (why do I feel like a 5 year old trying to fast a full day for the first time?)
So one down and Insyallah 29 more to go.
wahahaha itu mcm punye offer, konpem mak yong carik chan tido!
--> Joyah : wooii!!! banyak tenaga aku nak pi jadi maid free kau? soh babysit Amir hansem takpe jugak ! hehe
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