What do think this is ?
Its a life-saver, a virtual time conserver, and recently my most recent best friend.

The Don loves half-boiled eggs for breakfast and he eats it like twice/thrice a week. And he is very fussy about it. It has to be perfect. Not too watery, not too hard. And eaten with a dash of kicap.
During the early days of marriage, I used to fret about not getting it right. I either leave it too long in the pot and it ends up like this

or I take it out too early and it looks like this

Honestly, pre-marriage I had no idea how to make half-boiled eggs. No one in my family eats it (with the exception of my brother) and I never had to cook it for anyone before. Besides, looking at the slimy whitish concoction I can't help but think of it as some oozy, yucky slimy insides of some poor chick who was terminated before it got a chance to live. UUUrrrghhh!!!
It is only with much practice that I got it right. Now with a glance I know when to fish out the eggs from the pot and it will be perfect. Just as The Don likes it. With the yolk undisturbed and with his dash of kicap.

And now that I have mastered the skill of making the half-boiled perfectly, I come across a life-saver. The microwable egg boiler. Its an absolte time saver. 2 mins on high in the heat box and Voila! Perfect! If only I knew of its existence when I was struggling to getthe eggs right.
Still, its a great thing to have. At least now I dun have to keep popping into the kitchen in various states of half dressed to check on the eggs every few mins. And even better, I dun have to spend 15 mins preparing breakfast every other morning. I can do it in 5 mins flat! And its EGG-PERFECT every single time !!!!
hahah tu die Puan Puan eh salah Cik Cik sekelian.. cara cara membuat telur setengah masak. Kalau tak pandai buat tak boleh kawin ok?
hahaha! you mean to say you never had those eggs for your breakfast in your life?
never ever ever..... now also I just prepare it for the Don. asking me to eat it is like being on Fear Factor for me. heheh heheh
Joyah, one day kita jumpa ni jenab sama sama pastu kita ngangah kan mulut dia suap tu telur setengah masak. Wakakaka. Padan muka ko!
OOyy.. TAKNAK!!!!!! NO WAY JOSE!!!
pengsan ku nanti korang kena panggil ambulnce
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