Friday, May 05, 2006

Three Girls & A Guy

We left for an inpromptu trip last Saturday to Malacca & Kl. The Don wanted to bring me shopping in KL. (Am I lucky or what??) Then I suggested we stopped mid way at Umbai, Malacca for some seafood. I roped in my two girl friends, Lisa & M and they were both game to join us for a short holiday. So off we went....

The food in Umbai was as delicious as always. Anybody who has been to Malacca and hasn't been here, you really don't know what you have been missing! We choose our own fresh seafood, tell the guy how you want it cooked and VOILA!!! Since it was only the 4 of us, the Don and I chose one large seabass, 1/2 a kilo of prawns, quarter kilo of squids and some veg. The seafood is to be eaten with small packets of Nasi Lemak and Otak Otak which is provided on the tables and topped up when neccesary. Try not to drool on your keyboard ok....(photos courtesy of Lisa)

Lelong!!! Lelong!!! There were shellfish too but we were not fans so we skipped them.

This pic is a bit blur. I think Lisa is holding her digicam with one hand while the other hand she is busy trying to kopek the Otak-otak. hehe

I think she forgot to take the pic before we devoured the fish so here you only see the skin left. Oooh no evidence of our buruk-makan-ness!!

Krak Kruk Krak Kruk!!! Very crispy indeed!!

See the sambal cicah? Power gedemak!!!!

Immediately after the meal, we continued our journey to Kl to spent the night and start shopping the next day. We didn't actually get much shopping done. We only went to Midvalley & One Utama. But I think we all got what we came to Kl to get. One thing for sure, we had lots and lots to eat.

I actually wanted to eat crabs but in Umbai the stall we went to ran out of them. So when we were in KL the next night, The Don brought us to Good Evening Bangkok restaurant at One Utama.

The ambience was great, the service was tip top and the Tom Yum seafood was the kind you'd only get in Bangkok. A small sip sent your nostrils flaring, bells ringing deep in your ears and a tingle in your throat that you could remedy only by having more!!! I asked for black pepper crabs but the waiter said they didn't have crabs that night. But when he came to send the tom yum, I spotted a small crab leg in my bowl. He must have heard me exclaim because he explained that usually they use big crabs for the black pepper dish but if I didn't mind, they could make an exception for me and use these tiny crabs instead. A crab is a crab is a crab. Of course I said YES!!!!!! Such great service is definitely a rarity. I'd definitely recommend the place to anyone who is in need of authentic Thai food with great service.

For more pics, go check out Lisa's blog.


MyPeriukBelanga - Is BACK!! said...

Warrr...mak suka tengok foodpics!!
Sodaappp nyorrr, ngancam perut!!

Musang said...

tee hee hee... terliur sangat sekejap at the mention of prawns, squids and otak-otak. i'm so getting my mom to cook em all tomorrow.

kalau nasib baik, she will be in mood for some cooking. kalau tak, makan di restaurant.

either way, i'm sooo gonna have it. *rasa mengidam sangat* *nangis*

sharinna said...

Waduh waduh..macam enak gitu tengok...
I love looking at food pics too..
Tengok pon jadi...
Have a great weekend!

Lisa said...


shsuya said...

Hehehe Periuk Belanga thanks 4 visiting.

Musang--> I hope u had ur fill. Makan!!! jgn tak makan!!!!

Kak Sharinna--> Have a great weekend too !!!!!

Lisa--> Aik tak cukup cukup lagi makan ke ???

naniz said...

hey, i've checked out lisa's blog. no pictures?! and what telah happen to all of us having a foodie trip? hehe...

Lisa said...

drafting still in process... today got wedding lunch to attend. another eating session :)

The Misery Chick said...

Oh my, oh my, oh my!

I feel like gg now, too!!!!

shsuya said...

naniz --> lisa ni biasa lah macam kau tak kenal die kan L-E-M-B-A-B !!!!!! hehehe tapi gambar die da upload look under photos on the right.

maya--> Go .. go forget the diet and eat to your heart's content!!!! hehe

shsuya said...

*nods head*

You should!!!! You should!!! Then go up KL sekali!!

*continues to nod head*

shsuya said...

*shakes head*

Itu July ..July punya cerita. Eh eh ape secret secret plak? Kita da tahu awak nak gi mana .... hehehe

*shakes head at LizaNoor who has caught the travelling bug from me*