Tuesday, September 05, 2006

You Little Pain In The .......LEFT!!!!

Looking at myself in the mirror recently, I am reminded of the days in my childhood candor when I would blow up a balloon and put it under my t-shirt, pretending I was pregnant. I would walk like a duck animatedly, feet apart and body bent backwards, hand holding my back. I used to wonder what it will be like for me to be pregnant. Well now I know. Hehe. But I do not walk like a duck ok! Just a small teeny weeny little waddle...maybe like a cute penguin (as my 2 "dear" friends so love to call me)

Our lil' bundle of joy has started making his presence felt. If he started with little whizzies and nudges the last 2 months, now he gives me the full on kick at various times of the day and night! He has a tendency to lodge himself into a corner on my left causing me discomfort and sometimes even pain. Numerous attempts on my part to soothe him away into another position with gentle rubbing always end up with even more movement and more pain. So much so that occasionally I have problems getting to sleep and can even be awaken in the middle of the night by his vigorous movements. But when the Don puts his hand on the spot and speaks gently to his son, our baby immmediately moves away, giving me much needed relief and sleep! Initially I put it down to coincidence but after a while, it seems only his father could make him do anything I wanted him to. Looks like he's gonna a daddy's boy huh?

Its real amazing to see every time The Don puts his hand on my tummy, I will feel a movement at that exact spot, every time! Needless to say the Don is thrilled beyond words that his son is so responsive to him. He has yet to feel the full on kick, the kind that makes the skin moves like it has a life on its own but he sure is getting excited. Now he addresses all his sms-es to both of us instead of just to me. And has started speaking in the plural form when he talks to me. Hhhmm looks like soon he will just start talking to his son instead of to me. hehehe


shsuya said...

hehe kalau sama bday ngan u joyah everyyear u kena bawak die sekali tau pi celebrate. Tak kisah kat singapore ke obersea ke ... pas tu nak bawak anak kena bawak mak bapak die sekali .....sanggup???

Lisa said...

ohh itu mcm eh? ummi gosok2, baby lagi excited... abah gosok2, baby tau pulak dok diam.

ummi manjakan baby eh?

Lynn said...

Eh, kalau dia hatch in march (my month) aku gerenti aku bawak dia pi holiday dengan aku, bawak mak bapak dia sekali!!! Confirm!!! :p

Anonymous said...

ramai nye orang nak mengandong skarang ni,bile aa plak my turn agaknye,eh bukan mandong tapi ade baby sendiri hehe

shsuya said...

Piiiirah lah kau nyah! kau cakap cam tu sebab March da lepas kan ... pandai eh takpe next one aku plan cun cun kuar bulan March...hehehe

ewah ewah kure kure da tak sabar nak dpt anak nampaknye ape lagi cepat cepat lah kawin!!!

Lisa said...

*whispers to Mak Buyong* jenab, ko jgn plan dulu. tau-tau nanti, nyah punye turn pulak.


Anonymous said...

hehe mmg nak kawen,tgh tunggu si dia ready laa hikhikhik

The Misery Chick said...

Hmmm, when my mom was pregnant with my lil bro the sight of the baby kicking terrified me.

Ever watched the movie by Ridley Scott? Aliens? Where the alien bursts out of the human's chest cavity? Yup. Scary.

shsuya said...

--> Maya: That alien movie.. my thoughts exactly!!!! hehehe But I haven had any of those yet prob coz I have an anterior placenta (its in front) so it cushions all the kicks and the knocks somewhat.

--> Joyah apesal bday kau boring sangat ? cam ni tak jadi lah 011206....hehehe

Anonymous said...

ah.. bliss eh to see the motion on your tummy.. ahhh..

I get so very xcited to see the motion and will quickly grab whoever hands that is nearest to feel it too.. such wonderment, such awe, such a feeling of syukur !

miss being pregnant!!!!! not the delivery though :)hahah

take care sweetie :)

naniz said...

he is one excited daddy! i remember when mum was pregnant with haikal. so thrilling!