Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Lights..Camera ...ACTION!!!

Oh and yes..the video is ready too. After such a long wait, its finally ready and was delivered to our doorstep on Sunday. I must say the wait though excruciating was a worthy one. The Don and I, we will allocate one weekend within this month, Insyallah, where we will invite all our friends for a makan makan session at our place to view both the photographs and video. It will be sumthing small, merely an act of appreciation for our friends and close family members for their effort, time and energy in our wedding. Especially for our two bestest friends Mahanom and Hafiz who stayed by our sides respectively and put in effort, time, energy and even money to make sure our wedding went as smoothly as we did. The both of you are truly truly great friends. Insyallah there will come a day when The Don and I can repay you in kind.

Please let us know when u guys r free (u know who u r)... I'm thinking the Hari Raya Haji Chinese New Year weekend. Any takers?


Francis Ford Faggola said...

Hey, look at u guys... *sobs* aww, so pretty... *fans face and sobs*

Sorry about the late but congratulations!!! Hope you'll be blessed eternally... i am so happy for you guys... how's the honey moon?

Dilip Mutum said...

Both of you look great. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

wah shsuya .. sorry eh late wishes .. congratulations .....
