*Ahhh Choo!!* Ok ok I know dust have been collecting here of late. My sincere apologies.
Much has happened lately although I didn't have either drive nor energy to update my blog. My pregnancy has been smooth so far, Alhamdulillah. I haven't had any morning sickness, no nausea (although I can't seem to tolerate milk), no cravings, no aversions (although I don't fancy the smell of mutton now) and apart from a general sense of tiredness I feel just GREAT!!! I'm in a constant cheerful mood and I look foward to every day in a way I have never felt before.
Our baby's growing fine too. Everything is up to schedule, on the schedule and hopefully will remain this way throughout the remaining weeks till I reach full term. I have past my halfway mark in my pregnancy and have roughly 17 weeks to go before I go POP! hehe. Oh and in case you're wondering it's gonna be a BOY! Which isn't much of a surprise, really, looking at the very obvious gender imbalance on Don's side of the family.
Despite not being down with anything, I have been forbidden to do any housewok and all household chores (with the xception of cooking) is now the Don's forte. Even then, when my mom's not in town and I'm supposed to cook, The Don usually takes me out for dinner. I wonder if I would still know how to do housework after my pregnancy. hehe.
My tummy ain't showing much. I guess I take after my mom. She said she didn't look pregnant till she was well into her 7th mth of pregnancy. I haven't had too much weight gain too. Thank God! Most of my colleagues didn't guess I was pregnant till I was well into my 5th month. Even then it was because I had to start wearing loose fitting clothes coz none of my current clothes fit no more!!
My only complain, if at all, is that I can't seem to sit very long in one position. Just last weekend, we went to see the movie "CLICK" and despite it being an enjoyable show, I couldn't wait for it to end so that I could get out of my seat and that was a love seat !! (with me taking up 70% of the seat and leaving the Don squashed) The baby is starting to really move! He must be practicing to join in the Cirque du Soleil !! hehe but better the baby moving then not so no complains there.
Besides, I really do not have much to complain about. All in all, pregnancy has been blissful for me so far, Alhamdulillah. I pray to Allah S.W.T that I have a delivery as smooth as my pregnancy has been so far. Amin.
So what is the baby's name gonna be? :)
So exciting!
Ah finally an update!!!
It's nice to be pampered eh? Sakit sikit jer ada orang urut. Pening sikit jer dah di suruh rehat. Best gitu.
*teringat zaman ngandung*
Maya...*sigh* talking about names will require a whole another entry!! hehe look out for that one!
Nyah!!! mmg best sungguh!!! tapi 9 bulan aje lah....kalau boleh extend kan best! skrg aku da tak pandai pegang penyapu n mop lagi hehehe
so nyah bila lagi ? cepat lah!!! pas tu soh apek buat sume kerja umah kau leh rilek mcm memsab
first child memang di manja. dah dua tiga dia pun tak heran...!
wah wah.. preggy post i have been waiting for! post pic lah..kita nak tengok awak. anyways, i love pondering on boy's names so do post that too.. ermm..i think i better stop giving you much work now.. hehehe...
ah finally! *rubs hands in glee*
u know sumting ladies? i met her last friday and the only diff i noticed was that she's chubbier. the bulge is still not obvious enough. either she's holding her breath or purposely wearing extra extra extra large clothes... do ask her.
but in case any of you are wondering how chubby she is now, imagine a penguin! heehee
Naz.. pics? no way JOSE!!! I have never ran away from camera the way I have been since I'm pregnant. I think I look super fugly!!!! (quoting Maya!!)
Esah mana de cam penguin?? Kong asam kau eh !!!!
*rubs hand more in glee*
tu yg ku tunggu... aisehman joyah dah sambut.
yup yup... like a cute penguin. part jalan blum lagi. part tu kena tunggu lagi 2 bulan kot?
amboi amboi seronoknye die panggil kita penguin!!!!!!
Takpe penguin cute!!! hehehe Nanti korang preg nanti aku panggil tong drum!!!!
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