Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Since we had an hour to spare before we met Jenny and Ruthern at Swensen's Crown Prince Hotel after work yesterday, we popped into Challenger @ Funan to have a look see at the X-box games they had. Luckily for me EA was having a promo 2nd X-box game at 10 bucks less so my dearest DON gave in to my hints of getting two games at once. Together with some computer accesorries and some PC softwares, we walked away with quite an armful of stuff. A real shopping treat!!!

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Burnout 3: Takedown is seriously the best game we have ever played. Its a racing game like no other where you get points for crashing your car, especially if you also crash a rival's in the process. I love racing games but I'm not very good at it. Whenever I play Project Gotham Racing I always end up with a crashed up car so at least Burnout allows me to get points for my "no-skill". The graphics is wonderful and the game is easy to play. I simply LOVE IT !!!!!
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The Urb:Sims in the city is a tad dissapointing. The PC one is so much more fun at once glance. But I've yet to explore all parts of the game so who know's I might end up as addicted to this one as I used to on the PC.
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And yes!! finally we got our 2nd controller. Now we can play multiplayer games. No doubt my nieces and nephews would be the one most excited about this. Now they can compete among their cousins whenever they come over.
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Dinner with Jenny and her hubby was simply lovely. We both brought our wedding albums so we had a fantastic time going over the photos. And we brought our Paris honeymoon photos too. Jenny and hubby ooohed and aaahed over the Paris photos so much so they are planning their next vacation to Europe. hehehe. We adjourned our tete-a-tete to their lovely place at Klang Lane, a mere 10 mins from Orchard Rd. How lovely to have a place so near town although they have to bear the "aroma" and noise of Serangoon Area and its inhabitants. And they have a marine fish tank, something The Don and I plan to have someday. But hearing Jenny and Ruthern explain the intricacies of maintaining one and the high set up costs looks like it won't be so soon. But we loved looking at their marine fish, especially the cute little shrimp.
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Time was definitely too short for us to catch up so we adjourned it to Sunday, this time at our place for lunch. It's sure great to meet old friends and to find that both our spouses get along famously as well.

We reached home close to eleven and even though we could barely open our eyes by then, we just had to have a test-run of the games, hehe. And this morning, we contemplated taking the day off just to have our fill of Burnout again. But alas....


Lisa said...

playing burnout 3 is like playing bumper cars on virtual road. heehee... bleh lepaskan geram langgar-langgar kereta. :)

shsuya said...

yup it requires virtually zero skill... xcept mybe skills of selit menyelit and a mean streak.....