Thursday, April 28, 2005


There is a new device invented by one Mitch Altman, called TV-B-Gone. It's a small black device attached to a key chain, akin to a car remote control, and can switch off virtually any tv with the press of a button. It is invented with the noble intention of making people watch less tv, especially in public places.
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I guess Altman got pissed off by the current pervasivenes of tv - in busses, in airports, in bars, in clinics, in restaurants and even in govt offices. He equates tv everywhere like having second hand smoke. Its seriously dulling minds and hampering communication. And making it affordable at only $14.99, the first batch was sold out in 2 days.

According to Wired's article, Altman was inspired when he and his buddies ended up watching more television at the restaurant they were at rather then converse although they have been planning to meet for a long time and had much to talk about.

I think its a wonderful invention. I remember the time I was sooo pissed off by a cashier who had her eyes glued to the tv in her shop and totally ignored me standing in front of her waiting to pay. And about tv hampering conversation, I couldn't agree more. Just last night, during dinner I was going on and on about our next vacation and where we should be going and my dearest Don was glued to his John Mcclain on STAR Movies. UUurrghhh!!!! When will that thing come to our shores. I think I will need one.


Musang said...

best nye device nih...does this mean we can practically switch off any tv in sight?

I want to switch off the one at the fridays. Hate it when his eyes get fixed to the tv the other night.

you and i should have one and may all the attention come back to us...


shsuya said...

hehehe yes we certainly need it dun we! Its a miracle device for immediate attention!!

Lisa said...

goodness gracious ladies!! once in a while, his eyes have to rest too. Hahahah...