Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wedded Bliss...

Last weekend was my cousin Safiah's wedding in Bera, Pahang. The nikah and sanding ceremony was held over at her place on Saturday and on Sunday the groom's reception was in Gombak, Selangor. Since Friday was a public holiday in Singapore, The Don, myself and my mom made our way to my aunt's place as early as 5am to avoid the jam at the causeway. Apparently all the cars going into Malaysia had the same thought coz even at that hour, there was already heavy jam at the immigration.

My cousin look splendid in her wedding garb. Her groom Hakim was given a taste of our family's humour when he was stopped outside the house by The Don and other male cousins who demanded a "toll" before they let him in to see his bride. Lucky the groom came prepared.

Here are a few pics fro your viewing pleasure....
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Everything went well at the wedding - everything was a-perfect. The food was good, the kendarat service was efficient and the weather too was agreeable. Except for the blasted deejay. Instead of playing songs like any decent DJ, this old coot went on talking non-stop. He was like on a high and kept repeating himself ad nauseum. Every two minutes, he gave an introduction of my uncle who is the host of the wedding, even going as far as describing my uncle's appearance "yang tinggi lampai, pakai cermin mata dan ade janggut sikit" and gave introduction of the caterer, the wedding photographer and (surprise, surprise) all about himself. When he spotted somebody in the crowd he grew all excited and kept telling everybody on the mike "Saya kenal die. Masa tu saya kecik lagi die tinggal lorong blakang rumah saya... " And the occasional times he actually played a cd, he talked all throughout the song too. I honestly felt like stapling his mouth and telling him to get lost. Anybody could have done a better job than him. I wonder how much my cousin paid for him. I hope she didn't waste too much money on that lousy guy.

My cousin and hubby will have to live separately for the time being even after their marriage. She is teaching in a polytechnic in Tanjung Malim, Perak while he is working in downtown KL. Looks like they will only be a weekend couple. What misery!! I hope and pray that they will find some other arrangements so that they can be together. There is nothing that makes wedded life more bliss than sleeping at night knowing that you will be waking up next to each other in the morning.


Dilip Mutum said...

I know what you mean. Some guys simply don't know when to shut up.

naniz said...

I love the blue umbrellas, the blue kebaya...semua so cantik and just so sweet :)
Kesiannya kena berpisah..sob sob.

Lisa said...

ohhh ade 4 org yg langgar undang2 kod biru jugak ye?

shsuya said...

Yeahthe theme was blue so we all tried to ikut but if u look properly my baju wasn't really blue. It was blue-green. I had to be a lil' diff wat!!!

Yeah my cousin (in yellow) was aske to wear blue on Sunday instead as she is the pengapit and the theme on the guy's side was blue too. The others were just trying to be unique. hehe

shsuya said...

And Adam, yeah that guy was the pits. If there is any listing on deejays in Pahang, I'd be sure to put that guy on the blacklist!!!