Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And its a big TEN!!!!!

10 years ago today, at 2:15pm, two school kids in school uniform met at a certain McDonalds. Little did we know then that fateful day was actually the beginning of the rest of our lives. For history click here and here

Happy Tenth!

A milestone that seems
As natural as stones upon a hill,
Placed by wind and rain and swollen streams
Plunging down to work their wayward will.
Yet our will alone has placed this stele
That stands amid the wilderness of time,
Each choosing each each day that we might feel
Nearer to a grace we can't define.
The loves that last are cultivated flowers:
Half pure mystery, half purely ours.

Happy Anniversary Darling!!!!


Lynn said...

I read the two links you gave. Whoaaa... Kecik kecik dah dating dating eh. Pat McDonald's lagi. Tsk tsk tsk. Mak suruh balik rumah terus, kau pi jumpa matair :p

Congratulations, Suya!

shsuya said...

hehe tak mak yang suruh pi jumpa matair betul .......tak bedek!!!

Thank u kak nyonya. amacam kita nye date 1st May jadik tak?

Lisa said...

sporting betul... haha!

shsuya said...

mati aku kalau Umi baca ini entry "mana ade Umi suro Ya pi dating??? Pandai pandai aje!!!!"

kak Liza kerek lah tu yelah yelah kita tau awak kan macam Drew Barrymore ade 50 first dates so tak ingat yang mana satu hehehe