Tuesday, March 08, 2005


The Don and his reservist kakis had sooo much fun during their ICT reservist last January, they decided to have a BBQ to reminisce their good times. This time with wives (and wives-2b) in tow.....

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The JK8 reservist kakis. (kenapa hubby aku pakai sanggul???)

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The JK8 Reservist Wives Club. {c'est moi flanked by Jariah (Mrs Din) & Dayana (Soon-2B-Mrs Rahman)}

While the guys bbq-ed and tried the shoot a special-effects movie with Din's vidcam, we gals & Hans yakked and yakked the night away. It was great meeting them, especially Jariah & Dayana.

The Don's reservist kakis are a crazy lot. There's a nigger-wannabe, there's a graphics designer cum make-up-artist, there's a potential movie director and of course many comedians and clowns.

The girls and I hit it off really well especially since the topic of the season was weddings. It was fun seeing them planning their weddings. Especially Jariah who will have her sanding ceremony in June. (her nikah was in Dec, the week just after mine) Hey girl Cet!! tak aci eh? Mana boleh kahwin 2 kali ???!!!

We finally left the BBQ pit at 3.30am even then it was because it had started to rain. Otherwise, we'd probably be there till Subuh, still yakking away.

Anyhow, glad I made some great friends. Looking forward to more great times with Jariah n Dayana in the near future.....

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