Ok I have been tagged. Actually I was tagged like many many days ago but I buat dunno. Then the tagger started hounding me to do the tag. I gave her lip service, a cute smile and she left me alone for 3 days. Then she started hounding me again. I told her I am married and I have found my perfect lover but she insisted I do the tag. This time she hovered a threat over my head. So because I value my life and there are so many things I have yet to discover in life lest she does anything untoward to me, I have decided to comply. hehe. So here goes.....
8 Perfect Characteristics of The Perfect Lover (In order of importance)
He Must Have A Strong Personality - I am an aggressive person and I tend to be the dominant person in any relationship. In my friendship with guys, I always end up dictating what to do, where to go, etc etc. And I always get my way with them, through persuasion, coaxing or outright demands. While I enjoyed playing the upper hand with such friends and getting my way, I didn't want a lover I can wrap around my little finger while I flutter my eyelashes. He must have the guts to say NO to me when he knows I'm wrong and not follow blindly.
He Must Be Spiritually Enlightened- In matters of religion and the way of life, I look to my perfect lover to provide the straight course. He must himself be knowledgeble in matters of religion. (More knowledgeable than me at least) and even more importantly he must practise what he knows. I look to my perfect lover to lead me in matters of religion and I want him to be someone my (future) children can emulate.
He Wants Me, He Accepts My Mom (Non-Negotiable)- Since my father passed away in 1997. Its has been just me and my mom.
Although I have a whole army of consanguine brothers and sisters (same father), at the end of the day I am fully responsible for the welfare & comfort of my mother. And my perfect lover has to understand that and all its implications, ie: I will bring my mother along and she will stay with me whomever I marry and whichever part of the world I stay in. And should I not be earning my own keep in the future, my perfect lover will continue to support my mother.
He Must Be Financially Sound- I was a pampered kid, being my dad's youngest child and my mom's only one. I have hardly ever been denied my heart's desire. While I do not expect my perfect lover to satisfy my every whim and fancy (although that would be quite perfect too) I don't quite relish a life inferior to the one I have had before I met him.
He Must Be An Intellectual- My perfect lover would be someone who can discuss with me to a significant depth matters of politics, religion and current events. Being born to a political commentator father, I always have an opinion about everything that goes on in the world. It would be sad if I begin to start a discussion about a current event only to know my partner has no idea what I am talking about and then I will have to give a repeat news telecast.
He Must Like Family- My family, - as almost all Arabs are - is a close knit family. We may be miles away physically but we keep in touch constantly and have family gatherings once a month (minimum) And because there are so many of us, there is bound to be a wedding or cukur jambul or birthday or death every other month. My perfect lover has to be someone who is not conscious of crowds and sociable enough to get along with my uncles and aunts. And treat them with respect. And not afraid of playing host when they decide to come visit. Unlike so many young people nowadays who prefer to "live on their own" and not like visitors to their house because of supposed "lack of privacy", my perfect lover must be above all that and love having and being around extended family.
He Must Not Smoke- I have asthma and for a long time when I was younger, I suffered attacks every month. Sleep was difficult as I could not lie down flat and coughs, phlegm and vomit were all my playtime friends. Although its probably genetics, (my sister has asthma too) I suppose a major contributory factor is that my late father was a heavy smoker. I remember endless nights when I would be propped up on my parent's bed with my mother hovering over me and midnight bedsheets changes when I vomitted. Anti-phlegm medication has a tendency to make you vomit the phlegm out. And among the complications my late father suffered was infection of the lungs, most possibly due to his heavy smoking. So I do not want my children to suffer the same fate as I did and I don't want the family to suffer the way my family did when my father was hospitalised. Yes death comes in many forms and at any time and smoke or not you could still be hospitalised and you will still die. But let's make sure we can rule out smoking as one of the causes.
He Should Understand Me- I think I mentioned this before. I was pretty much brought up as an only child. I never had to share, always had 100% complete attention and am very used to getting things done my way. While life has given me a few knocks, I think I am mostly protected by life's harsher deals. A perfect lover, for me, is one who understands the background I come from and while encouraging me to come out of my protected shell and showing me how to, do not penalise me for acting and behaving in the peculiar ways that I do. And occasionally, pampers me the way I have been so used to.
Alhamdulillah I have found in My Don someone who fulfils all 8 requirements and more. He is everything I could ever ask for in a life partner. (minus 10 points for that sheesha he bought recently) And I hope I am the same for him. Maybe must make him do this tag then see what he says.
8 Perfect People To Do This tag hhmm.....