Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Birth Order

The Don and I spent almost the entire evening at Borders yesterday. And one of the books I found totally captivating was this one --->

The author really goes deep into the psyche of a person's personality and how it relates to his/her birth order. Needless to say most of what was said about me as an only child is totally true and it gave me insights into the things I would do in certain given conditions. There is even a section on partners and what would happen if I were to marry a First-born, middle child, youngest child or another only child (lucky I didn't It's potential disaster!) Another section was on what kind of parent I'd be, given my birth order. It was such a great book. I finished reading all the relevant sections to me right there.

I wrote about this birth order thing before but this book is much more detailed than that website I quoted.

Best Birth Order Marriages
Only child and youngest; first-born and youngest; middle child and youngest: Gender plays a role here as well. If you want the absolute best match, it's female only or first-born marrying a male youngest child who has older sisters. The last born with older sisters is going to be the sort of person who brings out the maternal instinct in women, and the oldest sister is likely to have great maternal urges. He would have grown up with girls who have doted on him. This is similar to the treatment he seeks in a wife, and the best place he'll find it is with an oldest sister. The match works both ways. The first-born needs someone to show her pleasures of sunsets, rainbows, and to remind her that it can be fun to let her mind wander and do something mad or different. The last-born needs someone to show him that while having fun is a wonderful thing, it takes hard work and perseverance to make those daydreams into reality.

First-born married to the last-born: This relationship is an excellent combination. First-born can teach last-born how to be better organised and that there are times when life must be taken seriously. The last-born teaches the first-born that it's okay to have fun once in a while.

Worst birth order mix
Only-child female and an only-child male: Not only will the two butt heads, but neither will have much of a clue about the other gender.

First-born married to a first-born: This relationship is likely to be high friction - either butting heads from day one, or falling into a controller-pleaser pattern. It can be difficult to make this pairing work.

First-born married to a middle child: The danger here is that the middle-born may alter his or her own behaviour to please the first-born. While the middle one makes a good match for anyone (except, perhaps, for another middle), she may find the first-born to be somewhat intimidating and thus will need drawing out. If you marry a hard-driving first-born, you may be inclined to give up your own desires and dreams to please your more dominant, first-born spouse. However, if you have last-born tendencies, this can be a very good match for you.

Then I found this birth order test and realised I have both only child and first born tendencies. Wat's yours ?

You Are Likely an Only Child

At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.
At work and school, you do best when you're organizing.
When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.
Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.
You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Excuse Me I Have A Problem....

Tech Support: "How can I help you?"
Customer: "Well, everything is working fine, but there is one program that is not."
Tech Support: "What program is it?"
Customer: "It's called 'MSDOS Prompt'."
Tech Support: "What's wrong with it?"
Customer: "Well, I click on it, a black screen shows up with NOTHING but a sign that reads: 'C:\WINDOWS>', and it just sits there and doesn't do anything. I have to turn off the system to go back to Windows."


I'm sure you all have heard funny tech jokes like this one and laughed your head off at them. I had a personal experience with one techno-illiterate just yesterday.

Colleague: Hey I think something's wrong with my email.
Shsuya: Why? What error message do you get?
Colleague: There is no error message but I haven't been receiving any emails for a few days already.
Shsuya: Ok Lemme test. I will send you an email now. Tell me if you receive it.
Colleague: Yes I received.
Shsuya: Ok now You send me an email and I'll see if I can receive it.
Colleague: Ok I sent you already. You received?
Shsuya: I also received your email. So whats the problem? (starting to get irritated and realising this girl is wasting my time)
Colleague: But how come I never get emails ah ?
Shsuya: Thats because nobody wants to send any emails to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(walks off)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And its a big TEN!!!!!

10 years ago today, at 2:15pm, two school kids in school uniform met at a certain McDonalds. Little did we know then that fateful day was actually the beginning of the rest of our lives. For history click here and here

Happy Tenth!

A milestone that seems
As natural as stones upon a hill,
Placed by wind and rain and swollen streams
Plunging down to work their wayward will.
Yet our will alone has placed this stele
That stands amid the wilderness of time,
Each choosing each each day that we might feel
Nearer to a grace we can't define.
The loves that last are cultivated flowers:
Half pure mystery, half purely ours.

Happy Anniversary Darling!!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wedded Bliss...

Last weekend was my cousin Safiah's wedding in Bera, Pahang. The nikah and sanding ceremony was held over at her place on Saturday and on Sunday the groom's reception was in Gombak, Selangor. Since Friday was a public holiday in Singapore, The Don, myself and my mom made our way to my aunt's place as early as 5am to avoid the jam at the causeway. Apparently all the cars going into Malaysia had the same thought coz even at that hour, there was already heavy jam at the immigration.

My cousin look splendid in her wedding garb. Her groom Hakim was given a taste of our family's humour when he was stopped outside the house by The Don and other male cousins who demanded a "toll" before they let him in to see his bride. Lucky the groom came prepared.

Here are a few pics fro your viewing pleasure....
Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by Photobucket
Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by Photobucket

Everything went well at the wedding - everything was a-perfect. The food was good, the kendarat service was efficient and the weather too was agreeable. Except for the blasted deejay. Instead of playing songs like any decent DJ, this old coot went on talking non-stop. He was like on a high and kept repeating himself ad nauseum. Every two minutes, he gave an introduction of my uncle who is the host of the wedding, even going as far as describing my uncle's appearance "yang tinggi lampai, pakai cermin mata dan ade janggut sikit" and gave introduction of the caterer, the wedding photographer and (surprise, surprise) all about himself. When he spotted somebody in the crowd he grew all excited and kept telling everybody on the mike "Saya kenal die. Masa tu saya kecik lagi die tinggal lorong blakang rumah saya... " And the occasional times he actually played a cd, he talked all throughout the song too. I honestly felt like stapling his mouth and telling him to get lost. Anybody could have done a better job than him. I wonder how much my cousin paid for him. I hope she didn't waste too much money on that lousy guy.

My cousin and hubby will have to live separately for the time being even after their marriage. She is teaching in a polytechnic in Tanjung Malim, Perak while he is working in downtown KL. Looks like they will only be a weekend couple. What misery!! I hope and pray that they will find some other arrangements so that they can be together. There is nothing that makes wedded life more bliss than sleeping at night knowing that you will be waking up next to each other in the morning.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

YAY!!! i finally did it. I finished my 1000 pieces jigsaw. It took me 3 days and some cheating but I finally did it. I went to buy the frame but when I got home I realised the plastic to cover the jigsaw was missing. And for the life of me I can't find the receipt to ask for a refund. So now it sits quietly on the floor, against the wall of my study room, waiting for me to find an alternative to the plastic cover so that I can hang it up.

Its supposed to be glow-in-the dark but I haven't actually seen the effect yet. Maybe I should start a collection of glow-in-the dark jigsaw to fill up my study.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


You know you're not smart enough to join Mensa. Or be a rocket scientist. But you *KNOW* that you have above average intelligence. After all your kindergarten teacher Mrs Raju said so. So did your Aunt (while pinching your cheeks and telling you that you are her favourite niece/nephew)

But how smart really are you?

Take this test to find out ---> THE TA3 TEST by the International High IQ Society. CLICK TA3 ON THE BOTTOM LEFT.

My score was a measly 121. Good Luck to you !!!!

Grade Range Percent
Genius 144 0.13%
Gifted 130-144 2.14%
Above average 115-129 13.59%
Higher average 100-114 34.13%
Lower average 85-99 34.13%
Below average 70-84 13.59%
Borderline low 55-69 2.14%
Low <55 0.13%

Monday, April 03, 2006

A man prone to suspect evil is mostly looking in his neighbor for what he sees in himself. As to the pure all things are pure, even so to the impure all things are impure. -Augustus Hare

Some people just baffle me. There is one particular man who lives in our vicinity whom LizaNoor and I have resorted to calling "The Diamond guy". No he is not adorned with diamonds. Neither does he trade in diamonds ala Ari Taibel, director of First State Auctions. Instead, he seems to have diamonds in his mouth cause he rarely speaks and turns away when he is being talked to. We think he might have diamonds in his mouth so he refuses to talk in case the diamonds fall out and we make away with them.

At first, our encounters with him were mere brushes. Eg, he will rush to the multi-storey carpark lift from his car once he spotted us parking our car. (so that he doesn't have to share the same lift with us) Or he will walk down the stairs instead of taking the lift when the door opens on his floor and he sees us inside. (weirdo!) We put it down to plain anti-socialness. Then we heard horror stories about this guy's rudeness to LizaNoor's hubby and we vowed to stay as far away from this guy as possible. His wife, though is apparently quite chatty, or so we heard. This guy is an exception rather then the norm in our vicinity. Almost all other neighbours are very friendly and lift rides are never the quiet, arkward, eyes staring at the changing numbers display episodes you experience in almost every other HDB block in Singapore.

Last night, we had a first hand experience of Mr "tinggal-dalam-hutan-lebih-bagus" 's attitude. When we parked our car at our usual spot, we glimpse Diamond guy and family milling about their Suzuki, obviously having just parked too. Despite us slowing down our steps coz we knew they'd rather not be in the same lift with other homo sapiens, we unfortunately arrived just in time with them entering the lift. The wife was kind enough to enquire if we would like her to hold the lift open. We politely declined as The Don had to go back to our parked car to take something he left behind. Whe we reached the foot of our block, there they were, still waiting for the lift up.
(In case u r getting confused by all the lifts, we have to take the lift down from the multi-storey carpark then walk to our block where we take another lift up to our unit)

As we approach the lift (at the void deck), Diamond guy was shuffling his feet restlesly. The Don signaled to me to wait for the next lift. My thoughts exactly. But when they entered the lift, the wife, once again, held open the lift doors for us with a smile and asked us to come in. I felt there was no reason for us to return his rudeness with equal rudeness on our part so we entered.

In the few minutes of the travelling time in the lift, the Diamond guy shuffled his feet restlessly a few more times. His wife tried to make small conversation but it seems everytime the wife opened her mouth to speak the husband mumbles something to his children. I glance at the back of the lift and he was actually facing the wall!! When they finally exited the lift one floor below ours, we burst out laughing at the weirdo. He must have had a pretty traumatic childhood to have such great issues with other human beings. My mind instantly flew to the character in the Tarzan movie. Well, at least Tarzan finally did learn how to talk and eliminate his suspicion on humankind. Hopefully someday Diamond Guy will too.

I can't help equating Diamond Guy with this figure on the left eh I mean right. *grins*