We went to Geylang Bazaar on Friday night together with my mom and again on Sunday with my in-laws. As always I find nothing interesting at the bazaar but I managed to get quite a few things at Joo Chiat Complex. I went crazy at RH Fashion, when I saw their huge array of sequinned and kilat kilat tudung. Quite exorbitantly priced @ $60 but they are oooh-so-lovely!!! I bought 2 to match my baju raya. I might go down to get more this week. Remember the shop selling nothing but brooches at the corner 1st floor of Joo Chiat Complex. Well, now the shop has closed but the lady selling the brooches set up a stall just outside her former shop. She has slashed all her prices by close to 50%. Imagine, a $56 dollar brooch selling for $29/-. Ape lagi ? borong lah.
I looked everywhere for a new tablecloth to match my curtains. I was fingering one at one of the stalls when my eye caught another shop across the road. Needless to say, I left the auntie in mid sentence and zoommed over to the other shop. My instincts were right again. They were not selling generic table cloth that every 3 shops in Geylang sells. Theirs is especially designed and sewn in Dubai. Apparently the shopowner's uncle has a shop in Dubai so this lady and her husband brings in the goods just for raya purposes. They cost a bomb but the table cloth is so nice, its imprinted in my mind. If I had not bought it, I'm sure I won't be able to sleep at night. Worse I might wake up drenched in perspiration, engulfed with pangs of regret. hahaha. I may be broke but I am happy. (my mantra for shopping)
The cookie making marathon has started. First up ---> Pineapple tarts.
I made one batch on Saturday. But seeing how I only managed to get a little over 150 pieces (excluding the ones My Don pilfered from the oven), I might have to make one more batch today.
And the lights are up at our house. You can see it from a distance away but I think it's not enough as there is no lights inside the house. I want more!!! Hehehehe. It feels great preparing for Hari Raya in our own place. It costs more definitely but the fulfilment is more too.
Dah siap buat kuih raya? uish... best best. send some to shah alam.
my classes ends 28th and final start 8th next month. enuff time to enjoy raya? bloody no. hate stupid school management.
Ewah ewah!!! Dah buat kuih raya seh!!! Seronok nyer! I miss the smell of kuih-baru-kuar-oven. I guess i'll get to smell it very soon, from my neighbours lah, since I wont be baking mine.
The scarf tu mahalnyer!!! $60? I don't know if i will spend that money for scarfs, if i decide to start wearing it one fine day. Haiz.
I try not to go Geylang during Ramadhan. Sesak napas mak, nak!
Lampu lap lip tu memang cantik. Dulu time baru tinggal sendiri, kita pun pasang jugak. Tapi time dah lepas raya, malas betul nak bukak balik nak simpan. So we decided not to put it up anymore. We tengok orang lain punya lampu lap lip jer lah.
Eh panjang pulak comment aku hari ni, eh jenab. *sambung baca buku*
amboi! puasa blum 2 minggu, dah siap untuk beraya? semangat semacam betul tahun ni. :)
See that you have a new layout. Congrats. I don't really like scrolling boxes but this one has no problems with Firefox.
Nyonya scarf tu mahal sebab banyak bling bling...
eh apesal u all tak suka pi geylang ah? best aperrr. although ramai org sesak nafas tu betul lah jugak. Tapi mana ade atmosphere raya kalau tak gi Geylang....
wah panjang seh speech ...
ok ok .. kita da tahu awak tak suka pi Geylang. Don kita pun tak suka jugak.. tapi I paksa jugak.. last last nanti die suruh I pi shopping dia pergi Ba'alwie.. hehehe
Hah, jenab. Orang dah cakap tak suka, tak suka lah :p
1. sama mcm liza
2. sama lagi mcm liza. Baju kurung siang2 dah tempah. Kuih2 pun sama dah tempah.
3. Pasar masar ni, pi NTUC jer dah boleh. Tak main pasar basah.
4. Tapi macam mana pun, my husband will go down to Darul Arqam to pay the zakat. It's a must for him to go there. Sentimental reason kot.
Sekian. Harap maklum.
Ok ok tak nak pi Geylang sudahlah .. lagipun from nex year da takde geylang meylang da...
abis tu Nyonya CNY awak tak pergi Chinatown Bazaar ke ?
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