Monday, February 06, 2006

Her Day

She means the world to me, if you didn't already know. So this year when she said she needed a bag, I brought her to Takashimaya and asked her to choose. And she chose this shiny Bonia.

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And since she didn't own any wearable brown shoes to go with her new bag, I asked her to choose one too
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The dutiful son-in-law has agreed to buy his mommy-in-law an entertaimnet system so that she can relax in the privacy of her own room. He has yet to get it. Meanwhile, he surprised her with a delicious mouth-watering fruit flan
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Lisa said...

wah... seronoknye!

shsuya said...

hhmm... wat present is that ahh???

naniz said...

u think she meant baby! :)

The Misery Chick said...

The bag is okay, but the shoes are nice!

Cool bronzy brown shade. :)

shsuya said...

---> *gasp* Naniz.. U think thats what she meant?? I would never have guessed!!!!!!