The recent CNY holidays, we played host to my uncle & family + my cousins and family. Its been a while since they came to SG and since my sister was also having the cukur jambul ceremony for Nur on the Monday of the long hols, it made perfect sense. And just like all the other ocassions when my family congregate, sleep is the last thing on our minds. We stay up through the nights yakking like there's no tomorrow. Through constant supply of Nescafe and sheesha for the guys, almost every night, we all stumble into bed in sleep stupor earliest at 4.30am - every single night. Oh except this one night when we brought them to Mustafa Ctr at midnight and my aunt, my cousin and I marathon-shopped the night away till 5am. Needless to say, the sun was up and shining by the time we fell into bed.
By the time they left on Wednesday, you could say The Don and I were completely zonked out. Our eye-bags were the size of luggage bound for Hajj and we both had such bloodshot eyes, the veins in our eyes probably popped out. We were so zombified that on Wednesday night as we prepared for bed, I brushed my teeth with my facial cleanser and didn't even realise it untill I finished and realised the cap I was holding in my hand didn't fit the toothpaste tube. Dang!!
But we were also deliriously happy. It was great to have them at our place and we had a helleva good time. If they were to call to say they were coming again this weekend, we'd say YES in a heartbeat. No doubt about that.
5 comments: does facial wash taste like? Hehe! I love it when my relatives from KL..ada reason nak merayap lebih :p
seronok kalau our relatives pun fun peeps macam kita. not the like my relatives... all conservatives and can't take any joke.
well, most of them are...
i prefer that the long distance relatives... stay long distance.
Nani---> the facial cleanser tasted tawar! If u next see me and I have super white teeth I have been using Estee's Cyber White on my teeth
---> yeah thank goodness my relatives are quite fun. All on the same wavelength so the weekend was great. Can't imagine if we were not. It'll be a nightmare !!
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