Thursday, May 19, 2005

Crazy Horse Is Coming To Town

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Have u managed to read ST today? I got a shock of my life when I saw the front page of ST this morning while having breakfast with The Don. The Crazy Horse, for those not in the know, is a topless cabaret show in the ranks of Moulin Rouge and Lido. (BTW The movie Moulin Rouge starring Nicole Kidman is not like the real thing!) It seems my prediction was right after all. (read my entry on the casino)

Ok I'm not gonna sound righteous here. I have to admit that while we were in Paris, we contemplated visiting Lido, another topless salon, just for the novelty of it, but we decided not to at the last minute, one, because of the cost of the tix and the other, because I would feel uneasy being there, me with tudung (head gear) and all. I feel it is hypocrisy for me to be wearing the Islamic code of dressing yet go watch nude girls on stage, clearly something Haram. (forbidden)

But to have it here??? I'm not so comfortable with that either. I know this is not a Muslim state and we dun really have a say but my fears are hightened by the report that they are looking for Asian dancers and will be holding auditions here soon.

What's gonna happen to the already flagging moral of the Muslim youth here today? Muslim youth (and other youth too) here are already in a decadent state of morality. They drink alcohol openly, and abstaining from pre-marital sex is the exception rather than the norm now. Remember this girl who was fined and charged in court for her "tiltilating" ex'pose? Looks like there will more such ex'poses in Singapore in the near future.

What can we do to protect our society and our youth in the face of such vices being made so freely available (and legal too!) What control will we have as parents to instill in our kids what is right and what is wrong ? The Don and I shudder to think the challenges we will have to face in this country while bringing up our children. Maybe this isn't the best place for us to breed. Maybe, just maybe, we should start looking for greener pastures......

1 comment:

Musang said...

uih...that's new...

hmmm...this entry made me thinking about being gay in m'sia.

i'm in deep shit.