Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Fairest Man Of All??

I was reading the morning's paper in the car when I came across this article
"S'pore men more brand conscious than women here" (back page under "MONEY") and I involuntarily shudder. Apparently SG men spend more on ostentatious goods. One college guy even skips lunch everyday so he can buy his Burberry and Miu Miu. A 3D survey by media agency MindShare notes that 41% of men felt that branded items help them project a better image than the 37% of women. And double the percentage of men this year thought that they should keep up with fashion. I don't know about you, but I have a tacit disgust for men who are too fashion-conscious. (straight men that is) No don't get me wrong. I do like my man well dressed and fashionable to an extent. And I know current trends and social dictum requires men today to have a designer tog or two in their wardrobe but to have a man decked out from top to bottom in Gucci or Prada, No Thank You. Thats like having the word "GAY" stamped smack on the centre on his forehead. (not that I have anything against gays. I luurve 'em, u noe that right, Musang !!) (sheesh!!! I have to qualify everything I blog now!!)

A basic fashion knowledge is necessary I suppose. I swell with joy when my Don can differentiate between a Fendi bag and an Louis Vuitton. (although he has to preen at the monogram to make out if it's an "F" or an "LV") But its just weird to have men be more fashion-conscious than us women. I mean, come on guys, that's our territory!!I don't believe that designer togs makes or breaks all. I think more importantly is that you are well-dressed and that you carry yourself well.
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The other end of the spectrum is no good either. I cringed when I am on the MRT in the morning and the guy sitting opposite me in a long sleeved shirt and business pants crosses his leg and exposes white socks. I try my hardest not to stare but it's difficult when everyone else is wearing suitably dark or sombre coloured socks and this clown looks like he's going to the gym before he goes to his office. Neither can I hold my laughter when the guy at the next table with a striped tie during lunch stands up and I see that he is wearing checkered pants. Oh the agony of stifling a laughter!!! (if u feel there is nothing wrong in both the scenarios I quoted, YOU NEED HELP!! Click here) for some salvation


Anonymous said...

I really don't understand what is the fuss seeing a men wearing white socks with bussiness pants. It is neither untidy, nor sloppy and not dirty. It might be really constrasting, but what is the problem?!!!! Why it hurts the eyes of fashion police so much????

littlecartnoodles said...

Conversely, wearing black socks with sports shoes at the gym, tennis court or jogging track is another faux pas.

Especially when the socks were worn to go with one's leather shoes during the work day.

Wandie said...

As always, the Morning News comes to the rescue!


shsuya said...

To anonymous, it looks really really odd. Like Michael Jackson. Ur outfit shld be complementary (colour n pattern wise) from head to toe. When u have a jarring colour like white (or red) it destroys the whole look. When someone looks at you, inevitably all he sees is ur white (or red) socks, not ur shirt, ur pants, or even ur face. Look around u. I'm sure u're bound to see a Michael Jackson lookalike at least one a day.

shsuya said...

to Wandie... yes that morning news article is really informative. More men shld read it..Thanks

fey said...

Men seem more brand-conscious because they have less choices. How many renegade fashion labels are there for men? You girls can import fashionwear from Shibuya, HK, Taiwan, Korea etc, what do we have?

You girls can say, "Hey, I got this pretty skirt for real cheap at a store in Bugis! They buy vintage stuff back from HK and it's really cheap! Plus it's original cos they only bring back one per piece!"

What can guys say? I want to shop but how many shops dare to sell original ideas? Most fashion stores that cater to men are commercialised and retail chain kind. Topman, G2000 comes to mind immediately. So how?

Anonymous said...

Never wear white socks to the office... unless u r moonwalking there.

Musang said...

thank you shsuya for this entry.

i once wore a pair of white socks (it's the fucking laundry day!!) to my father's office annual dinner. i tried as much as i can to keep my feet under the table. no one catch me. i did never pull such stunt again.

if you think gay men are fashion conscious, think again. yes most of them are. prada shoes, gucci shirts, designers perfumes, designers this, designers that. frankly speaking, there are some sloppy gays. the one that didn't dress sharply to office, hence wouldn't never raise a suspicion of his sexuality.

i'm somewhere in between. cheers!!