Friday, May 13, 2005

Orangina... Orang-Gila

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Remember this drink from yester-years?? I used to love the advert on TV with those pretty looking French girls with those orange on their heads. Remember?? My father used to mock the advert on tv which ended with a French guy wailing out Orangina.... and changed it to OrangGila. I can never look at an Orangina bottle and not think of the word Orang Gila.

Well anyway I was in front of a drink freezer at the downstairs MAMA shop when I saw a can of Orangina among the Coca-Cola and Pepsi. (btw its pronounced "O-ron'-zhjeh-nuh" according to Wikipedia) This French drink has a way of burning ur throat yet quenching it at the same time. For those, (like me) who has always wondered what the word "bitter-sweet" meant, go drink this drink. I assure you that you will get immediate enlightenment.

Meanwhile enjoy this trip down memory lane (I hate using this phrase..makes me feel old) with Orangina Virtual Museum.

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