Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Overdue Meme

Sorry Maya, but between the guests and the sales, this is the first opportunity I have had since u tagged me.

1) Total number of books I owned

Woaah.. This is not a good question. I can't answer in numbers but when we packed to move my things into our new house, I had three big boxes of books. Till today they sit nicely in the storeroom, still in their boxes, I have yet to find a bookshelf that is not too huge yet able to store all my books.

2) The last book I bought

That will have to be during lunchtime yesterday at the book store near my office -
"Raising a Happy, Unspoiled Child" by Burton White

3) The last book I read:

Baby Trail - Sinead Moriarty
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4) 5 books that mean alot to me

There are a lot more than 5 books that mean a lot to me.But for the sake of brevity here's the 5 off the top of my head.
a)Forever - Judy Blume
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Read in 1989. A real eye-opener. My first foray in the ways of the birds and the bees. Honestly that was the first time I knew what actually happened during sex. (I was 9!!) I still remember the name the guy gave to his little friend hehe.

b) A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth
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A gift from The Don in 1997. A real classic with 1488 pages. I finished this book in like 10 days of intensive reading. Its like a Hindi movie book-ified. A Hindu girl falls in love with a Muslim boy in post-colonial India. Rich history background and great style of writing. This was the book which first sparked my interest in writing.

c) Chocolat - Joanne Harris
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This book started my fantasy (still on-going) with all things French. After reading this book in 1999, I wasn't sure who I was gonna marry but I was sure I wanted to go to Paris for my honeymoon. And eat lotsa choolates. And I did.

d) Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt
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Absolutely riveting. I hate the movie version, BTW. It does absolutely no justice to the beautiful memoir. I cried reading this book. The story of the orphan Irish boy and his siblings really struck a chord in my heart.

e) Road To Mecca - Muhammad Asad
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This book really knocked sense into my head. Its about Leopold Weiss, a son of a Jewish barrister and grandson of an orthodox rabbi who found Islam. He travelled extensively in Saudi and the Middle East and became known as Muhamad Asad. His description of the Kaabah makes you want to fly there to see It this instant.

5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their blogs


Now rake your brains people !!!!!


Lisa said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I remember Forever by Judy Blume, too! I love that book. I first read it at 14 or something like that. I still have it (somewhere in the storeroom) and will let my now 7 year old girl read it one day. The lil brother is Ralph, right? Hehe.

Anonymous said...


shsuya said...

heya Lynn.. yeah that book rocked our world then didn't it??? and yes the lil' member is Ralph...hehehe

Anonymous said...

**wonder who else named his lil brother... whahahahaha

Musang said...


shsuya said...

HAHHAHAHA Musang is that a yes or a no ???

Lisa said...

so many of my frens borrowed that book when they got to know i had it. i got it back in one piece but well worn-out.

i still dunno the smart aleck who folded the pages of those 'highly-interesting' portions.