
6. I was 4, I think. The world's greatest hero and most handsome (to me then lah ok) was Amitabh Bachan. Whenever he appeared on screen, I was glued. My fav movie was John, Johnny Johanathan. (anybody remember?) I cut out a love shape from cardboard paper and wrote a letter to Amitabh, the contents of which I think I have erased from my memory out of sheer embarassment. I gave the letter to my mom and asked her to mail it for me. I think my mother still keeps that letter somewhere.
7. I had asthma quite regularly when I was a kid. So I was banned from having cold drinks and ice-creams although these are the two things I lived for during recess. One rainy day, my mother took additional precaution warning me early in the morning not to take any ice-cream. Tempting fate, I ate anyway during recess. When I got home she asked me again if I ate ice cream that day. With innocent eyes and vigorous shakes of the head, I said NO. Then my mother pointed to my white shoe with a drop of lime green on it and I was found out. I never trusted myself to lie to my mom again.

8. I was back in my kampung in Pahang. In those days the toilet was a good 300m away from the house at a perigi. (well) The water was outta-this world cold & shiok but the journey to and fro were lined with small bushes and broken twigs and branches. I never did dare go to the well alone and when I walk I tended to skip a little to prevent anything from crawling up my legs. But there was this one time as we walk back from a bath, I felt pain on both my shins. I thought it must have been a mosquito bite so I endured it all the way home. While I was changing at home, I realised two leeches had stuck themselves to my legs and were sucking me dry. I screamed bloody murder and my grandmother came to my rescue. Pulled those things off my legs and squashed them with the butt-end of a parang. I sobbed so hard not so much from the pain but from pure disgust of having those things on me and the sheer amount of blood I saw.
9. I was an over-confident kid. I was never afraid of strangers and I was a bit of a show-off. (Some people tell me that hasn't changed much, well...) Anyway I took great pride in being able to speak snatches of hindi I caught from my dad and from hindi films. So everywhere I went, whenever I had a willing audience, I'd stand in a pose and start reciting "Kya Khabar hai?" "Acha hai" and start reciting no 1-10 in hindi. Most of the time, they would laugh, pat me on the head and call me a clever girl. One Bhai with thick white beard at Arab Street liked me so much he asked if I wanted to be his daughter. From that day onwards I never showed off my Hindi language skills again.

10. I was a scared kid. I was never really adventurous and I hated climbing/running of any kind. But I hated not being able to do something while all the rest of my peers could. There was this playground near my home that I frequented whenever my cousins came to visit. There was this climbing contraption, (the name of which I have no idea) which requires you to do both vertical and horizontal climbing. The vertical part I passed with no problem but the second I stepped onto the flat part, I'd paralyse with fear, not daring to take a step forward yet too determined to not take a step back. I always make sure I was the last to go up cause I know I'd create a standstill. Once I went with my cousins and their parents and I stayed up there for 45 mins, sweat running through my hands and dripping off my face yet I refuse to budge. In the end, since it was getting dark, my uncle scooped me up and bundled me home. Somehow nobody ever mentioned that incident from that day.
my sis & I watched that show till the videotape snapped.
I so loved that film. My fav part is when
drunken Amitabh n Rishi sing that song "Chal mera Bhai" Ohh wat lovely memories..
Watched a lot of Amitabh movies when I was young. I guess one of my old time favourite has to be Sholay.
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