Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I'm so hooked onto this game I can do nothing else. But it's so hard to solve that I feel my brain fragmenting into a few million pieces, never to be joined up again. If you, like me, feel that your job is a dead-end job and need some brain stimulation, click here and best of luck to you.

Rules of the game

I'm currently stuck at Level 30 34. I have 10 6 more levels to go. I do not know if I will ever make it there.

The game tests your knowledge of html and other computer jargons, some are damn tricky while others are a breeze. Holler if u need help in any of the levels I have passed and if the Forum 1 and Forum 2 is of no help.



Lisa said...

hahahah! setuju!

nasib baik pc ofis takde speaker... AMIN!

shsuya said...


sharinna said...

Alamak..i tak tahu nak main ini game lah..anything about computer, i punya otak buntu. Hehhee..
I tgh giler Sudoku skarang.