Friday, May 20, 2005


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CLICK the pic for SWISH - the Anti-Starwars Club.
How come there's no Anti-Starwars club in Singapore. Hmm Maybe I should start one..

UUURRGGHH!!!!!! I feel like going to the deep forests of Amazon and staying there till this whole hoolaboola about Starwars is over. I can't stand it!!! Everywhere I go, every newspaper I pick up and every tv channel I watch is all about starwars, starwars and more starwars. This afternoon when I passed by Burger King I was assailled by more starwars memorabilia. And when I passed by a handphone shop on my way to lunch, a giant M1 poster with that dark guy was staring at me. I swear the next person who comes up to me and asks "have you seen the Starwars movie yet?" is gonna get a mouthful of vulgarities from me.

Whats's so great about starwars anyway? What's up with the guy in the black mask and the moonskywalker anyway? Friends have been telling me that this is an important episode coz it reveals how the good guy eventually turned to evil. (Huh?) Who cares? I mean if he is already evil does it matter why or how he became evil? Would it make him less evil if you knew he wasn't born evil but just woke up one day and decided to go to the dark side? And for God's sake, can't this Lucas guy count? Doesn't he know that the numbers should be 1, ..2, ..3, ..4 then 5. Did he like not finish his kindergarten coz he was busy drawing guys in black masks and creatures that suspiciously look like E.T?

The only relatively "cool" thing I can say about the starwars is possibly the sword with the neon lights. Buy hey dun they have an R&D dept down at LucasArts? I mean can we start having a change of colours now already ? Multicoloured one maybe? or one which changes colour depending on the motion.

Before you brandish the light saber in my direction, let me clarify, I dun particularly hate HATE starwars. Well at least not as much as I HATE, HATE the colour purple but I still hate it. I think its a movie with great special effects but so was the Matrix or Titanic. What's with the great hoolabaloo??? The actors aren't even cute and by admission of a few starwars fan(atic)s themselves, the acting by the leads were downright woody. Why the cult following? Whenever a new star wars movie hit town, its like everybody goes in "zombie" mode. All they can talk about Darth Vader is and Darth Vader that or Skywalker this and moonwalker that. And its even more painful to the ears when people go around saying "Revenge of the Sit" "Revenge of The Sit" I seriously don't know whether to laugh or to cry. (BTW Why did that Lucas guy had to invent such a difficult title? (Didn't he know that his Asian Ah-beng and Ah-lians fans have a problem curling their tongue after all that suckin n whistling noise they make with their tongues.)

I'm sure as hell glad this is the final episode of the starwars. I am really hoping for some big movie to open soon so we can move on already from this starwars crap. Meanwhile, if I hear the words "Is the force with you?" ever again, I swear I'll slap them so hard they would really feel the "force". hehe


Anonymous said...

u've been tomorrowed...

luq said...

Its "May the force be with you".

And im sure Titanic has the same cultural impact as Star Wars. :)

But still. "Is the force with you?"

shsuya said...

Oh thanks Luq ...well that shows how much of a fan I am ... but thanks anyway Luq and the answer to your question would be a big fat NO.

Anonymous said...

"may the force be with you.."