Wednesday, July 13, 2005


To: National Kidney Foundation Singapore

The CEO of the National Kidney Foundation Singapore (NKFS), T.T. Durai, has breached the trust of the people of Singapore and all others who donate to him. He has drawn a total salary of about S$1.8 million over the last 3 years, which averages out to S$600000 per year and this money comes from the donations of people, many of whom do not even earn that amount in 5 or even 10 years. In addition, he has been less than truthful with the public, lying time and again in court before withdrawing his statements.
The NKF has also played games to keep the truth from the public, with chairman Richard Yong telling the public that senior executives fly business class for long-haul flights. However, Durai told the court that he indeed flew first-class.

The above are only two examples of how the NKF has not dealt responsibly with the public. We, the undersigned, petition that the CEO of NKFS be removed from his position. Also, the NKFS must be made more accountable to the public, always showing how it acts in public interest, and publishing information that will allow the public to see exactly how much of their money goes to the needy and how much ends up being spent on expenses. Currently, expenses shown include the salary cost under 4 different categories, Direct Charitable Expenses, Operating/Administration Expenses, Fundraising activities and Public Relations. This is merely hiding the truth from the public who deserves to know. Until the NKFS shows that it is willing to be more responsible, we the undersigned suggest that potential donors think twice and donate to more deserving organizations such as the KDF, the Community Chest and the Salvation Army.

For more information, an article from the Straits Times can be found here.




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Dilip Mutum said...

These kind of people really make my blood boil. Here in Malaysia, similar news too. The Police Co-op GM was charged yesterday and the former CM of of Sabah, ran up RM7.1 mil in debt in the Uk.

shsuya said...

is it inevitable that once u r in a position of power, when u r surrounded by money, that you tend to blur the lines between what is ethical and wat's not ?????? I wonder....

Anonymous said...

hmm that seems to be what everyone is talkin bout nowadays..thank god i never donated anitin to NKF before. i'll prolly be pissed if i knew my money went to some rich guy..

Anonymous said...

Well, similar news of similar phenomenon in the similar world we live in. Regardless races, skin colours and nationality, most of us 'awarded' by such 'nice' people running the country.

Hate him.