Friday, July 29, 2005

Shopping Madness

Its always dangerous when I go shopping during lunchtime. I always end up with more things than I intend to buy. I was browsing the Men's Dept of OG (the nearest dept store to my office) and I walked out with these for my hubby.

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and this
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If thats not bad enough, I went to the Ladies Dept and walked away with
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Can the world co-operate with me and stop having sales!!!!!!!!!!

The briefcase and the parfum are a just-because present from me to The Don. I've got it all gift-wrapped and will only surprise him with it tonight. I just hope he hasn't the free time to log on to my blog before he fetches me from the office today.

After getting my gifts wrapped at the Customer Service counter at OG, I made my way down the escalator At that time I was on the phone with Lisa confessing my "sins" when I heard my name being announced over the P.A system. I quickly hung up and dashed up again. Apparently I had left my Metro card at the counter. I must have taken it out by mistake while I was digging for my OG card. Lucky the card had my name at the back. As I thanked the guy profusely, I suddenly became aware how embarassing it was. Everyone on that floor looked at me with a "knowing look". Well they all know my name now. I quickly whipped out my phone and redialed Lisa's number to mask my embarassment.

I dun think I'll be going to OG again for the next few days......


Lisa said...

tu lah... too many shopping cards in ur bulging purse. heehee =)

shsuya said...

alamak sister cyber white tu bukan untuk kasi putih lah sister.,.... it evens out the tone of ur skin kalau mau kasi lu punya lau kong putih kasi die pakai "fair & lovely" atau lu kasi die duduk sama michael jackson one week...nanti MJ kasi tau die punya secret....hehe

BTW cyber white very good... (hopefully someone from ESTEE reads this and gives me one year supply of estee cyber white products!!!)

Anonymous said...

Shopping is so fun!! Especially when you're buying for your love ones.
Ah, aku pun nak tambah tambah. Untung2 estee punya orang pandai baca. Boleh aku jadi model diorang. wahaahaha...
So Shsuya, that cyber white VERY GOOD right! It makes us look younger. And radiant. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Shopping is so fun!! Especially when you're buying for your love ones.
Ah, aku pun nak tambah tambah. Untung2 estee punya orang pandai baca. Boleh aku jadi model diorang. wahaahaha...
So Shsuya, that cyber white VERY GOOD right! It makes us look younger. And radiant. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Eh! Ter sent dua kali pulak. Buat malu ajer... Whahaha... Tapi takper, semoga ESTEE sedar yang aku betul betul sungguh suka dengan product diorang. heehee...

shsuya said...

hehehe shameless advertising. Tak snonoh kita dua eh ....
tapi just to say it again (lynn cakap dua kali I pun kena cakap dua kali gak) Estee very good ... heheheheh *gives a tak tak malu grin*

Lisa said...

aiyoyo lu dua orang no shame-shame. =P