Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Eye Trauma RATED R(A)

Occasionally I take the train to work in the mornings esp when The Don's appointments are all in the West. Me being the kind considerate wife that I am (sic!), I volunteer to take the train since otherwise he would have to make the journey to town, pay ERP then make his way all the way back.

So anyway, one of the mornings I was on the escalator, I looked ahead at the person standing a few steps away from me and this is what I saw.
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My eyes!! My eyes!!!! They are traumatized!!!

What the whole idea man? I know hipster jeans are all the rage nowadays but I think this girl took it a little too far down (hehe pun intended) I looked around me and everybody was sniggering at her but this young lady was busy listening to her mp3 player and oblivious to the freak show she just caused.

I was as traumatised by the flesh showcase as well as the bright yellow socks & red heels. What was she thinking?

The things people will do in the name of fashion!!!!


Lisa said...

adoi adoi rabun mataku!

Dilip Mutum said...

"oblivious to the freak " Maybe not.

Some peopleare born exhibitionists. And a lot of now a lot of teenagers are getting into the act as a way to be noticed. They love to show off their assets and act as if it nothing's wrong.

shsuya said...

Kak Liza --> NAK IDUP!!!!!

Adam--> Its one thing if they r really assets most of the time, with flabby tummies overhanging the front of the jeans and scars that make the bum look like the crater on the moon, they are more of a liabilities... hahahaha

I wonder what these fashion "gurus" will think of next?

Lisa said...

wat actually is their purpose of showing their butt cracks? trying to make thongs look good?

or are they 'ape'-ing to be babboons?

red paint please. =P

fara said...

phwoar. instant blindness. walking vending machines, they are. ka-ching!

Yara said...

Me: *Lost for words*
Wifey: Stop staring!

Anonymous said...

Its not real lah people. The flesh-showing part is actually a painted piece of cloth. Its the craze fashion i n Japan now!

Duhhh! If she was really strutting ard like that, dnt u think she'd be stopped by the police???

Lisa said...

Double duhh! that's juz a pic.

you expect my fren to take a snapshot of the actual thing during the incident? =P

naniz said...

hehe...i've seen lotsa ppl displaying their butt cracks! crazy..lisa, i'm sure the babboons will love them. kalau diorang bole nyanyi, they will sing "kita serupa..."

and duh! that's juz a pic!