Thursday, December 21, 2006

Moo Moo Here... Moo Moo There.....

Have you any idea how frustrating it is to wake up every day, look through the papers, see all the advertisements of the year-end sales, Christmas sales, warehouse sales, member sales, scrutinise till my eyes glaze over then realise I'm still in confinement and I'm stuck at home for at least 2 more weeks?????? (In case you are wondering yes I am pantang-ing very strictly. No leaving the house except for doctor's appointments only) That does not include the multitude of sale brochures and invites I get in the mail!!! AAAARRRGGHHHH !!!! Why did I ever wanted a December baby???? My next child I will plan for an October baby so that by Dec, I'd be past confinement but still be on maternity leave. By then I'd have a accumulation of my pay and plus my bonus I'd be in prime position for shopping. I guess I'd be the first woman planning my family according to the shopping calendar. WAIT!!!!!! Did I say NEXT CHILD????? OOooppps that was totally not the opening para I wanted to write but well.......

Today marks a month since we have been blessed with the arrival of Double M. And also a month since I have been breastfeeding him exclusively. I have always been determined to breastfeed my children, probably as soon as I found out I wasn't breastfed as a child. I always wondered if I would have been so sickly with asthma as a child if I had been breastfed.

My breastfeeding "adventure" started relatively fuss-free. My gynae is pro total bf and totally encouraged our decision. We had the baby room in with us all the time and The Don joked that we were robbing Double M's chances of getting to know the girls in the nursery. The nurses were all bf-trained so they helped with the latching on when I had intial problems.

Things were prety smooth from there. There were moments of tears definitely, especially in the middle of the night when the baby refuses to latch (I called in an LC for a house visit to check on my latching technique just to be sure) and when his drop in birth weight was so apparent I feared he was malnourished. (he has since gained his birth weight and more) The lowest point of my breasfeeding adventure was last week when a blocked duct had me shivvery and feverish for two whole days and my breast was like a red, hot throbbing brick. My mother panicked looking at me in that state but alhamdulillah with lots of feedings, the situation resolved on its own without the need to stop or suspend breastfeeding. It certainly helped that we have a very co-operative baby and that I have an abundant milk supply Alhamdulillah. He hardly cries and is an efficient drinker. As early as the end of the first week, he was already sleeping through the night with his last feeding at 1am and the next one at 6.30am or so.

I must say reading on breastfeeding during my pregnancy has helped me a lot in anticipating and resolving problems when they arised. (the best of which is this one) But no amount of reading beats having a supportive husband who shares your determination with as much grit and committment. There were times when I feared my son wasn't getting enough milk, and suggested we supplement him with formula but The Don resisted and encouraged me not to give up. It was also a huge help when my two aunts (one has 5 kids the other has 6 and ALL their kids were exclusively breastfed till the age of 2)came to visit from Malaysia and stayed almost a week each. Their tips and pointers could have filled a book. (P.S Did you know that you could be watching tv in one room and your child could be sleeping in another but you would know when your child will be awake even before he cries out as your breasts would start to tingle. Amazing huh?)
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Ok enough of my cow story. Now here's another cow story. The Don is arranging for the aqiqah of his son in Pahang at my uncle's. And while usually people slaughter goats (2 for boys 1 for girl) The Don wants to slaughter a cow instead. So together with a few other cousin's children aqiqah, a cow will be downed on 20th January 2007. My uncle is handling all the details of the kenduri that will be held. So far, we heard there will be another cukur rambut for Double M and 500 people have been invited and tents will be erected all along the road leading to my uncle's house. *rolls eyes* Trust my uncle to hold to hold the ceremony with such grandosity.

So till my next update .Mooooooooooooo

Monday, December 11, 2006

How Baby Muhamad Came To This World....

I felt a sharp stabbing pain on my lower abdomen that radiated to my back that jolted me out of my sleep. Immediately I wondered "Is this it?" I laid awake staring at the ceiling trying to recall if there is anything I haven't put in my e-bag. 10 mins later, the same pain appeared again. I woke The Don up and told him excitedly .. "we're gonna see Baby Muhamad soon"

THAT was how I envision how my labour will start but it didn't happen that way at all......

I was due for my weekly checkup on Friday 1st Dec. We did the routine checks the VE (yikes!!) and the scanning. Everything seemed as per normal at first then suddenly Dr Yang said that my amniotic fluid was low - dangerously low. She said there could be two possibilities - one, my water bag had leaked without me realising it or two, the baby had consumed the water. Either way, hardly any water could be seen in the scan and the doc brought rise the possibility that the baby had passed out meconium into the womb and this could be potentionally hazardous to him. She said I will have to be induced to deliver that very same day.

It took a few mins for her words to register. I was shell-shocked and very very afraid. No I wasn't afraid of the pain (well ok, a little) but I was afraid of being induced. I have heard and read of numerous birth experiences of women being induced to deliver but since the medication couldn't cause dilation the women had to be go through a c-sect eventually. That was my greatest fear! I was so hell-bent on delivering naturally without any medical intervention but apparently this was not to be.

I was very reluctant to be induced and kept asking what are the alternatives for me. I suggested we came back the next day to check the amniotic fluid level again. Dr Yang, being the cautious doctor she is, repeatedly cautioned me against waiting too long to make a decision since the baby could already be in danger. I was still reluctant and asked for a CTG first to see if the baby was in distress. The doc made it very obvious I was being very unwise. She asked me pointedly if I thought it was worth it to wait another day and suffer the risks after carrying the baby for 9 months. I couldn't answer her. While her nurses got the CTG machine ready, she asked me to seriously reconsider and cautioned that if I still refused her recommendation, she will make me sign a AMA (against medical advice) notice.

By then I was crying buckets. I seriously didn't want to jeorpadise the baby's health. But I also didn't want to go through an operation. The Don hugged me tight and asked me to think things through carefully. He asked me to have faith and realise that things have been pre-ordained. If the baby was meant to be delivered via a c-sect, there is nothing we can do to prevent it anyway. So its best to just listen to the expert and leave the rest to Allah S.W.T. Realising the futileness of my resistance, I agreed to go ahead and arrangements were made to admit me into the labour ward immediately. Meanwhile I called Umi, my MIL and sms-ed my legion of girl friends to update them.

I was quite surprised by the opulence of the labour ward in Gleneagles Hospital. There was an Osim massage chair in the room, (for the husbands. how unfair!!!) vending machines, various magazines, cable tv etc. But nothing surprised me more than the level of service we were shown. As soon as I was shown to the Delivery Suite No 3, one by one the nurses came to introduce themselves and explain in detail the procedures. Even the Assistant Director of Nursing came and extended a warm welcome. I was strapped to the CTG machine and the nurse explained what the graph meant. Then Dr Yang came to break my water bag and to put in the drip of syntocin to induce the contractions. Time Check: 1.30pm. She said she would expect me to deliver earliest by 6am the next day. I was a bag of nerves but since I didn't feel any pain (yet)I busied myself reading the magazines and sms-ing non-stop to Joyah, Nyonya, M and Esah. Truly I am lucky to have them as friends. Their constant company and encouragement during those difficult moments will be something I hold close to my heart forever. I was forbidded to consume anything other than water but I was starving like mad since all I had since morning was a lousy slice of bread. The Don smuggled in butter croissants from Delifrance downstairs and I had snatches of his seafood sandwich downed with air zam zam and air selusoh prepared by my grandmother. By 4pm, my mother was already waiting anxiously outside the labour ward despite both The Don and me telling her that it will be a long wait. She was joined later by The Don's parents and sister.

The pain didn't kick in until much later. By 5pm, the pain was akin to a low level menstrual cramps. Dr Yang came to check on me. I was already dilated to 5cm. She said my fears were totally unfounded. My body seemed to react very well to the syntocin and we can expect to see our son by 2-3 am. She offered pethidine to me and cautioned me to ask for the epi (if I needed it) before I reach 7cm dilation. I refused both. I had acquainted myself with all the side effects of the available pain relief and was grittily determined not to take any of them. By 7 pm, the pain was quite horrendous but still manageable and I was @ 7cm.

Just when I thought "hey labour's not as painful as I thought" the pain came on full throttle. I had this great urge to start pushing and told the nurse. The nurse explained that I should not push yet since the baby has not engaged and pushing will just exhaust the little energy I have left. My mouth recited the doa from Surah Al-Anbiya ayat 87 non-stop as my grandmother thought me. There were moments when the pain clouded my mind completely and I mouthed everything from doa makan to doa tidur to doa buka puasa. The Don then held my hand and recited the doa so that I just followed. That was much needed comic relief in the midst of all that gut-wrenching pain. Till this day The Don sometimes teases me about reciting the doa buka puasa.
7pm onwards was the worst part of the labour. The nurses repeatedly suggested I take the ethonox gas to help me relax and conserve some of my energy. I declined but they set it up anyway. I took one puff and found it completely useless although the nurses said I didn't breathe in properly. The Don took over and took a few puffs and he said he was on cloud nine!!! Despite the excrutiating pain, I couldn't help but laugh.

Anyway by 10, I was @ 10cm, Dr Yang came promptly and with 4 pushes, out came Muhamad Mubarak at 10.53pm weighing 3.475kg, the Don's and I first born and our pride and joy, Insya'Allah. Despite the doctor's fears, Muhamad Mubarak was 100% healthy and had not passed meconium as suspected. He just wanted a headstart of 14 days into this world.

His Abah recited the Azan and Qamat into his ears so that the sweet words of Allah are the first words he will hear and also did the tahnik with the kurma we had prepared. As I still needed to be kept for observation, he was wheeled out onto the delivery suite lobby into the anxious hands of his maternal grandmother, both his paternal grandfather and grandmother and his paternal aunt who had been waiting for hours outside for his arrival.

With no pain relief whatsoever, I went through labour au naturel the way I think it was meant to be felt. It was a hell of an experience but when my son was placed on my chest as soon as he was born, I felt like I was in heaven.
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Psst! He's here...

*Sweeps cobwebs and wipes dust away* Cough! Cough! Gasp! *chokes*

Just to let you all know that the owner of this blog has recently gone thru a major life experience.

On behalf of Mr & Mrs Don, I take this opportunity to announce the arrival of their little bundle of joy - Muhamad Mubarak aka Don Jr.

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**Photo taken barely an hour after his arrival into the world**

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**Photo taken by Ummi Lis on 4th Dec 2006**

Mode: Normal delivery
Date & ATA: 1st Dec 2006, 2253hrs
Weight: 3.475kg
Length: 51cm

Ummi & Abah are currently very busy and fully occupied with their new duties that come along with their newly acquired (management) positions. =)


Signing off,
~Aunty Lisa~

Monday, November 20, 2006

Pre Baby Romantic Rendezvous

I think I mentioned 3-4 weeks back to the Don casually that maybe we should take some time to spend alone, just the two of us since after the baby's arrival, we'd surely have less time for each other. It was just that. A casual remark but I should have known the Don better. He immediately made plans. 19th Nov was his birthday but instead of me coming up with the surprise he surprised me instead. The night before his birthday, he suddenly brought me to our favourite hotel and checked us both in. Apparently he made reservations weeks in advance already. And to think I had no plans at all for his birthday. No cake! no surprise nothing! (I was broke from too much online shopping for baby stuff) I did however volunteer to pay for his new PDA but that will have to wait till I get my paycheck!!!! hehe
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Anyway the hotel stay was splendid. One whole night of romance with not a care in the world. The room wasn't as big as ours at home and the bed was only a fraction of the comfort of our own bed but what a big difference a change of setting can bring. No more thoughts of "What else haven't I put in my e-bag?" and no more getting up in the middle of the night thinking what else we haven't bought for baby? (ok so now you know I'm a paranoid!)

And what a tremendous way to spend these few days of couplehood left before we become a family of three.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Raya Wishes Fulfilled!!!

I approach raya this year with somewhat apprehension. My first worry was finding clothes that will fit me for Raya, then I started worrying about getting raya-worthy (read: bling-bling) shoes and ditching the boring totally flat totally black Bonia pumps I have been wearing the whole of my pregnancy. And then came the anxiety that this raya won't be much of a raya since I won't have enough energy to bake any cookies and won't make it through the normally 6 hour car ride to Pahang, Malaysia to meet my relatives there. (it normally takes 6 hours to get there but could possibly stretch to 10 hours due to massive jam)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I'm happy to say that with the exeption of the last wish, everything else was fulfilled! *grin* Rummaging through my cupboard I realised I have a black beaded abaya (arab robe) Umi bought for me when she went for Haj two years back. It's long and flowy and way too big for me when she bought it so it has remained stashed away literally untouched in my cupboard. But with my now egg-shaped tummy, it looks just nice for me. All I needed to do was get a matching black baju melayu for the Don and we're ready for Hari Raya!!! One problem solved! I fell in love with another similiar abaya in red with very intricate sequin detailing at the most unlikeliest of places - the Geylang bazaar (and very cheap too!!) and voila! My baju raya problem was solved. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Despite being like ayam-kena-sembelih for most of the Ramadhan, I found Herculean strength in the last two weeks to make my usual die-die-must-do raya favourites of cornflakes honey and pineapple tarts and even baked biskut suji & pistachio butter cookies. (although I was under strict instructions from the Don to only make for personal consumption and stop being Mrs Santa Clause!) And my dear friend M baked for me my favourite Choc Chip Walnut Cookies !!!!
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This year's raya was special in its own way, I guess. One especially touching gesture was when my father-in-law went to the midnight lelong at the Geylang Bazaar and bought for me a whole stash of "kuih tunjuk" (ready made cookies) as he thought I was too pregnant to make my own cookies. Among the ones he bought were the much talked about kuih tembikai and mama carries. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So from the worry of no kuih, I think I ended up with more kuih than last year raya. Hehe.

I was quite dissapointed though that we didn't manage to travel to Pahang. This year's raya was less special since I didn't get to feel the "kampung atmosphere" and eat my favourite lemang and rendang but with my heartburns, inability to sit for long due to the vigorous movements of Baby Muhammad, and hearing the horror stories from my cousins being in 20 hour drive to get from Kota Bahru to KL (normally 8hrs) and my uncle in 6 hour drives from Kuantan to KL (it's normally 2hrs), I guess we made the right decision. After all, we have a whole lifetime of rayas to go back to Pahang for. Insya'allah.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ramadhan With A Difference!!!!

I felt very different this time last year. I looked forward like an eager beaver last year to the fasting month not just because it was the first time I would be breaking fast with The Don as his wife but also because it was the chance for me to hone my culinary skills with new recipes come weekends. And Ramadhan was bliss what with the times we went for Terawih prayers at Ba'alwie and the many many times we went around Geylang and Town looking for new household stuff & clothes for Hari Raya.

This year Ramadhan & Raya is much much more subdued. Apart from the obvious ie: the inability to splurge since the baby is on the way (bye bye new curtains and the new dining table!), I have also very very limited energy. (Did I mention I feel like I swallowed a watermelon?) Looks like there will be minimal baking this year (just the usual pineapple tarts and cornflakes cookies which The Don loves to bits) and very minimal shopping (hur! hur!)

So far we've been to the Kg Glam Bazaar once (and trust me there is no need to go there again!) and once to Geylang. I might need to go to Geylang one more time since both The Don and I didn't find any clothes we fancy the first time. But I guess that will be it. Usually 4 trips is the absolute minimum for me. OOhh I'm such a goody girl this year!

Usually I reach home from work less than an hour before breaking fast and after a whole day in the office, all I have the energy for is a short 15 min nap before I start preparing for breaking fast. (Thank god for Umi cooking if not we'd probably eat take-out or fried rice/noodle every single day! hehe!) After Maghrib, The Don usually leaves for the mosque alone. Before you know it, its the end of the day and then its bedtime before we have to wake up for sahur.

I do make an effort to cook on weekends however but instead of my zest to try out new recipes, I usually stick to the tried and tested. One reason is that since I have been pregnant, my tastebuds have somewhat changed. Everything tastes tasteless to me and when I cook, I tend to overdo the salt bit. There have been many times when The Don takes one bite then spit it out again hehehe. As a result this fasting month, I become overly cautious when I cook and refrain from trying out anything new in case it turns out disastrous.

Still, I managed to cook some of the Don's and mine favourites.
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Roasted Chicken
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Mee Soto

What shall I cook this weekend? Let's see... Roti Jala ?? hhhmmmm......I wonder what Ramadhan and Raya will mean for us next year when we have a kid in tow. More grande than last year maybe ? I guess we'll have to wait and see.....

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I mentioned in passing yesterday on our way home last night that it's been some time since I had a good bowl of hot piping laksa and immediately The Don suggested we get some after he comes back from his Terawih prayers in Ba'alwie. To say I was delighted would be a gross understatement. Such is the advantage of being pregnant. My every wish is a command. hehe.

I haven't had much cravings other than the usual choc bar and/or Haagen Daaz's ice cream and even then it has never been the way some pregger mom describe their cravings to me. It seems when they crave for something, they can almost taste the food in their mouths already and could scream bloody murder if they don't get it instantly. So far I haven't had one of those. For me, I just suddenly think of something and wished it was available but just in case I don't get it I doubt I would mind for long.

So we made our way to West Coast food centre, the nearest place I could think of that had a decent bowl of laksa at that time of the night. When we reached the car park, we realised that almost all of the stalls were closed. Probably it was cleaning day or something. I didn't say a word but my face must have given myself away. I think my face turned a shade of grey when I realised I wasn't gonna get my laksa.

The Don turned the car around and sped to Haig Rd. With the Hari Raya Bazaar there, he figured the stalls must still be open even though it was already 10.30pm. I was quite hesitant honestly. I didn't want to go all the way there only to be dissapointed again. I'd rather go home and go another day or even eat something else. Lucky for me, the stall was open and I finally had my big bowl of piping hot laksa.

It was a big portion and truly sumptious! The laksa tasted alright although it was quite oily. The lady was generous with her ingredients though (we were possibly her last customers anyway!) and I gorged myself silly with them. When I was done, the Don smiled at me. I must have been a sight! Never have I been so satisfied with a bowl of laksa than I was last night.

Two nights before it was Haagen Daaz ice cream. I called The Don as he was leaving the mosque and begged him to drop by a petrol kiosk or 7-11 to get my big tub of ice cream. I wanted anything chocolate but all they had were other stuff so I settled for Macadamia Brittle. I ended up eating half the tub alone. hehe

Such are the idiosyncracies of the pregnant lady. Thank God for indulging husbands!

Monday, September 25, 2006

One Down!!

Phew! Managed to make it through the first day of fasting without a glitch. I was quite worried since I can't seem to go by 4 hours without eating something. My usual intake of food was usually in the morning before I leave for office at 7.30am, lunch at 12noon, somthing to munch at 5pm and then dinner latest by 8pm. If I'm late or miss a meal I will feel quesy and puke. Undoubtedly I was quite worried and wondered if I could make it through this fasting month. A quick check with some of my friends who went through the holy month of Ramadhan in the state of pregnancy showed they were relatively unscathed and I was determined to make it through somehow too. Besides, just thinking about the sheer no of days of fasting I will have to repay is enough to steel my resolve even more. Hehe

I kept myself very busy the whole day in an effort to keep my mind away from food and hunger pangs. Baby Muhammad's first piece of furniture, a dresser, arrived in the morning and I busied myself lining the drawers with scented baby blue lining, folding and re-folding and re-folding his cute cute teeny weeny baby clothes then decided that I wanted to hang them instead. Fickle huh?

I have amassed quite a selection of clothes. I started buying as soon as I knew it was gonna be a boy and I haven't stopped since. I re-discovered online shopping and went CRAZY!! Those I couldn't get them to ship here to Singapore (like Baby Gap), I managed to find someone who knew someone in the States who would get it and send it to me. And I found this small inconspicuous shop near my office (thanks to fellow forummers) that sell lothes imported in bulk at nearly wholesale prices. And my dearest sister-in-law went to HK last month and bought for her soon-to-arrive nephew over a dozen Baby Gap, Carters and Osh Kosh b'Gosh clothes from new born right up till 12 months. Baby Muhammad is sure a lucky boy to have such a generous aunt ain't he? So I spent quite an afternoon tucking away his clothes in the new walnut dresser to while away my time. And before I knew it, it was already nearly evening and I didn't once think of food. (why do I feel like a 5 year old trying to fast a full day for the first time?)

So one down and Insyallah 29 more to go.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The Abah (as the Don shall henceforth be called) and I have been having this tug-of-war regarding the naming of our bebe. He wants it as simple as they come (one word name like his) while I insist there must be either Ahmad or Muhammad in the name (as is the tradition in my family), followed by another name of our choice. As a compromise (his idea of a compromise that is) he suggests just having the name Muhammad. While the name itself has the best meaning one could ask for, there is a high possibility that the name will be shortened to Mamat or worst Mat(Urrggh!!) Besides, my nephew whose full name is Syed Muhammad Abdul Hamid is already called by the name Muhammad. So I guess thats OUT! OUT! OUT! (phew!)

So after numerous books of names and countless websites of baby names, we are still at the drawing board, clueless, exasperated and running out of steam. Obviously we haven't been addressing our bebe with any name yet and I think its so sad. A name will make our conversations so much more intimate. And besides, I heard from a recent mother that her child already recognized her name at birth and turned her head as they said out her name. If only we could speed up with this naming process.

To be honest I have a few choice names that I have always thought was nice. But the one who says he should have more say since after all the bebe's name will be linked to his has not given me a final answer. He keeps saying he is still thinking about it and will get back to me soon. Maybe I should give him a due date huh? No names by a certain date then its my choice!!!! *evil laugh*

Whenever I get exasperated and I pile on the pressure on him to choose a name he will make light of the issue and say "Alah susah susah kalau da keluar nanti takde nama kita kasi lah nama Ahmad Albab!" Boleh gitu!!!!!

Anyway since at least his first name is confirmed, we have decided to call him Baby Muhammad for the time being. At least until his choosy daddy can decide on a name for him. Now our conversations (is one person talking and the other kicking constitutes a conversation?) are so much more interesting. And judging from his kicks, I think he likes his name. (ok ok my imagination!)

And talking about kicking, Baby Muhammad sure loves to kick! And he sure finds very "interesting" times to practise his kicks. Without fail every morning I will be jolted out of bed by 6.30am by his kicks and very very late at night when we are getting to bed. My mother tries endlessly to rub my tummy and speak to her grandson hoping to feel his kick but not once has he given his granny any leeway. But when his father puts his hand on my belly, no matter how lightly, he will immediately respond. What a daddy's boy!

Now if only his Abah will give his boy a proper name! *sigh*

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Start Of The Baby Boom......

By some magical stroke of luck, all the married reservist guys of Don's KINS unit are all expecting their first bundle of joys. It felt like just months ago when we girls were discussing which caterer to take for our weddings and which mak andam is no good and then we're all pregnant!! hehehe

Anyway the first to go POP was Jariah aka Mrs Din at 12.53am last night. She had quite a difficult pregnancy throughout her 9 months but Alhamdulillah her ordeal is now over and Jariah & Din are the proud parents of their lil' princess Nur Ratna Juita. I bet she's a cutie. Will post her pics as soon as I go down to see her. CONGRATULATIONS JA & DIN!!!!

Next probably will be Yanz & Farhana next month and then Insya'allah ours in Dec, followed by Rahman & Dayana sometime next year. Berderet deret anak anak Troopers ni nampaknye.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

You Little Pain In The .......LEFT!!!!

Looking at myself in the mirror recently, I am reminded of the days in my childhood candor when I would blow up a balloon and put it under my t-shirt, pretending I was pregnant. I would walk like a duck animatedly, feet apart and body bent backwards, hand holding my back. I used to wonder what it will be like for me to be pregnant. Well now I know. Hehe. But I do not walk like a duck ok! Just a small teeny weeny little waddle...maybe like a cute penguin (as my 2 "dear" friends so love to call me)

Our lil' bundle of joy has started making his presence felt. If he started with little whizzies and nudges the last 2 months, now he gives me the full on kick at various times of the day and night! He has a tendency to lodge himself into a corner on my left causing me discomfort and sometimes even pain. Numerous attempts on my part to soothe him away into another position with gentle rubbing always end up with even more movement and more pain. So much so that occasionally I have problems getting to sleep and can even be awaken in the middle of the night by his vigorous movements. But when the Don puts his hand on the spot and speaks gently to his son, our baby immmediately moves away, giving me much needed relief and sleep! Initially I put it down to coincidence but after a while, it seems only his father could make him do anything I wanted him to. Looks like he's gonna a daddy's boy huh?

Its real amazing to see every time The Don puts his hand on my tummy, I will feel a movement at that exact spot, every time! Needless to say the Don is thrilled beyond words that his son is so responsive to him. He has yet to feel the full on kick, the kind that makes the skin moves like it has a life on its own but he sure is getting excited. Now he addresses all his sms-es to both of us instead of just to me. And has started speaking in the plural form when he talks to me. Hhhmm looks like soon he will just start talking to his son instead of to me. hehehe

Monday, August 28, 2006

This pregnancy is really going weird. I didn't get any of the usual symptoms every other pregnant lady seems to complain about - the nausea, the headaches, the backaches, the joint pains - but I have this instead --> Pregnancy Gingivitis!!! Of all the things and of all the times!!!! *sigh* Well I guess you've got to be tested one way or the other huh?

Starting about the second month of and continuing for the rest of the pregnancy, hormone changes affect the gums or gingiva. The gingiva is much more susceptible to irritation from plaque (soft) or calculus (hard) deposits on the teeth. An exaggerated inflammatory response can result in mild redness or gingivitis, to swelling of the gingiva between the teeth. These swellings are painless, but do bleed easily. Most pregnant women experience some form of inflamed gums even with good dental hygiene. Additionally, looseness of the teeth may be noticed, especially in the third trimester. These gingival changes usually reverse after the baby is born. - Source American Pregnancy Association

The gums on my upper left wisdom tooth seem to be bleeding and swollen and everytime I try to chew food on that side I feel pain. The gums have transcended downwards over my teeth and it hurts!! But I guess the pain is nothing compared to some of the other pregnancy ailments. So I guess I'll grin and bear it and maybe visit a dentist this weekend. No X-rays and no drugs for me so I guess there is very little a dentist could do anyway.

Oh on another note, there is a fruit fair of sorts just in front of my office. There are 2 huge stalls selling all kinds of fruits from durians to those gigantic mangoes to huge dragon fruits. But somehow the mangosteens they sell are puny and look half rotten. I keep passing by the stalls hoping fresh new stock will come but I haven had such luck. Then last night as we were watching that shameless girl Ina bare her soul on RTM1, my parents in law came with my absolute absolute favourite fruit - Mangosteens!!! They must have read my mind!!!!!

Needless to say I gorge on them till my throat is sore. Hehe. There are about 10 more left but I better keep them away before I fall sick.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Unveiling

Since the beginning of my pregnancy, everyone has been taking potshots at whether its gonna be a girl or a boy. My sister guessed it was a girl simply because she wanted her daughter to have a friend. My Umi, my mother-in-law as well as as The Don's sister said I looked cheerful and "berseri-seri' (although I certainly felt like a dishrag in the early days) so they said it's gonna be a girl. My father-in-law, whom I never expected to participate in such guessing games, confidently announced it was gonna be a grandson for him. The Don and I reserved our opinions to ourselves although way before I knew I was pregnant, The Don had a dream he was carrying our baby boy. (needless to say his dream freaked me out BAD!!) I was ok with either gender actually although when I went shopping I couldn't help wishing it was a girl when I saw all the beautiful dresses and accessories I could buy if I had a daughter. hehe.

Mathematically speaking (cheh wah! like real aje aku ni!) the probability of our child being a boy was pretty high considering that the Don came from a family of three brothers and one sister and most of his uncles and aunts all had similiar family models. (out of 5 children 4 would be boys!) I am an only child of my mom so no stats there although my dad's side tended to produce quite an even number of girls and boys (I have 8 nieces and 9 nephews!) (confused? never mind!)

Our doc tried to see the gender as early as in our 4th month of pregnancy but our baby was sitting cross legged (sungguh sopan anak aku!) so we left none the wiser. At the next checkup when we did the 3D scan (oh if u are pregnant (or your spouse) do go for the 3D scan!! Its expensive but oh so worth every single cent! The wonders of technology!!!!!) The doctor picked up upon a tiny weeny bit of flesh between his legs and she immediately announced it was a boy. You should have seen the smug on The Don's face!! As we walked out of the Doc's room, he gloated about how his paternal instincts were already up and running. Yada..yada..yada...hehe. Oh and gloat too was what our child's grandfather did, telling my MIL and SIL that they were so so so wrong!! (let's just hope the gloating gene is NOT hereditary!)

Umi however chose not to believe the doc until after the detailed scan we just did last week. Up till then, she still harboured hopes that it was gonna be a girl because she had set her sights on some pretty dresses at Mothercare and so wanted to buy them. Well it was doubly confirmed that it's gonna be a boy so Umi said "never mind..Next one!" (eerrmm...I'm still not sure how I'll get through this one so let's leave talk about 2nd granddchildren til perhaps many many years down the road!)

The unveiling of the sex was marked by great euphoria by everyone around us. Especially ME!!! As soon as we knew the gender (the first time) I went on a shopping spree. At last after many many weeks of going round and round the baby dept not knowing what & which to buy (pink or blue?) Finally I had a whole new purpose to my shopping life. Ok when you think about it, it doesn't quite make sense to buy all things blue since these things are gonna be used by our subsequent children who might be girls but whatever! .. let's worry about subsequent children later. hehe. (Besides, who says boys have to wear blue right? Metrosexual pink anyone? The Don will scream bloody murder if I dress his son in pink and lets him play with Barbie dolls, that I'm 100%sure!)

I have great wonder about people who chose not to know the sex of their child. I mean I respect their personal decision but why not make use of technology when you can? Well.. to each their own I guess. Perhaps The Don and I are just not the kind who likes suprises.

PS: The doctor better not be wrong or else I'll ask her for a refund of all the blue stuff I have bought! hehee

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dusting the cobwebs.....

*Ahhh Choo!!* Ok ok I know dust have been collecting here of late. My sincere apologies.

Much has happened lately although I didn't have either drive nor energy to update my blog. My pregnancy has been smooth so far, Alhamdulillah. I haven't had any morning sickness, no nausea (although I can't seem to tolerate milk), no cravings, no aversions (although I don't fancy the smell of mutton now) and apart from a general sense of tiredness I feel just GREAT!!! I'm in a constant cheerful mood and I look foward to every day in a way I have never felt before.

Our baby's growing fine too. Everything is up to schedule, on the schedule and hopefully will remain this way throughout the remaining weeks till I reach full term. I have past my halfway mark in my pregnancy and have roughly 17 weeks to go before I go POP! hehe. Oh and in case you're wondering it's gonna be a BOY! Which isn't much of a surprise, really, looking at the very obvious gender imbalance on Don's side of the family.

Despite not being down with anything, I have been forbidden to do any housewok and all household chores (with the xception of cooking) is now the Don's forte. Even then, when my mom's not in town and I'm supposed to cook, The Don usually takes me out for dinner. I wonder if I would still know how to do housework after my pregnancy. hehe.

My tummy ain't showing much. I guess I take after my mom. She said she didn't look pregnant till she was well into her 7th mth of pregnancy. I haven't had too much weight gain too. Thank God! Most of my colleagues didn't guess I was pregnant till I was well into my 5th month. Even then it was because I had to start wearing loose fitting clothes coz none of my current clothes fit no more!!

My only complain, if at all, is that I can't seem to sit very long in one position. Just last weekend, we went to see the movie "CLICK" and despite it being an enjoyable show, I couldn't wait for it to end so that I could get out of my seat and that was a love seat !! (with me taking up 70% of the seat and leaving the Don squashed) The baby is starting to really move! He must be practicing to join in the Cirque du Soleil !! hehe but better the baby moving then not so no complains there.

Besides, I really do not have much to complain about. All in all, pregnancy has been blissful for me so far, Alhamdulillah. I pray to Allah S.W.T that I have a delivery as smooth as my pregnancy has been so far. Amin.

Friday, July 28, 2006


My cousins are coming today from KL. Yay! Just last weekend my uncle and his entourage came from Kuantan as he was invited to make a ceramah at Sultan Mosque and now my cousins are here. My friends seem to think that The Don and I have an endless barrage of visitors but we love it! Its part of the Arab culture, I guess. We don't think its an inconvenience at all.

It's a far cry from the attitude of the young today. I hear many stories of newly married couples who have their own house but do not welcome visitors because they "want their privacy". Its almost like they live in fear if anybody should say they wanna come over. As if people have nothing else better to do.

I come from a family where guests are welcome anytime and no effort is spared when entertaining guests. If you had seen the way my Umi cooked for my Uncle and his 2 companions last week, you'd think we were preparing for a buffet. And we Arabs love family gatherings. Thats why the Don and I dun mind travelling 6-7 hours to Pahang /KL /Kuantan just to attend any function our relatives have or merely just to catch up and spend a night or two. I'm thankful that despite not marrying an Arab, the Don has assimilated himself into my culture and he enjoys receiving guests just as much as I do. In fact, if I may say so, he is more atuned to my guests and take greater effort to make them comfortable than I do. Alhamdulillah.

It's been some time since my cousins came to Singapore so today I'm gonna scoot off early from work and bring them SHOPPING!!!!! hehehe

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Countdown Tag....

This must be a conspiracy. Everybody seems to be tagging me so that I will update my blog. Ok ok since I dun actually have much to write about anyway, I'll amuse you with my answers to this very long tag.

10 Favourites : -
Favourite colour : Blue, Black, Maroon all 3 can?
Favourite food : Chicken Rice, Laksa
Favourite song : Power of Love - Celine Dion
Favourite movie : The Godfather trilogy definitely!!
Favourite sport : Does shopping count?
Favourite day of the week : Saturdays!!!!!
Favourite ice cream flavour : Anything chocolaty is very goody!!
Favourite car model : Pagani Zonda F
Favourite subject in school : Literature
Favourite snacks : Twistees
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9 Current : -
Current mood : Upbeat & Great
Current taste : All I wanna eat right now is Roti Jala & Kari Ayam. Yumm...!!!
Current clothes : Blue pantsuit with light blue tudung.
Current desktop : P4 2.4Ghz 80GB 512MB CD-RW 15" LCD
Current toenail colour : Au naturel
Current time : 2.29pm
Current surroundings : My file-infested table. Urrgghh!!!
Current annoyance(s) : This tag, obviously!
Current thoughts : Is my baby a boy or a girl? Quick I wanna know so I can go shopping!!!!

8 First(s) : -
First best friend : Jessica, in primary 1.
First crush : In Primary 6.
First movie : Bigfoot at Cathay cinema with my mom and dad.
First piercing : At a jewellery shop somewhere. And I didn't make a peep.
First lie : Let's see... Faked a stomachache to escape ngaji. hehehe
First music : Gurindam Jiwa - the song my mother used to sing me to sleep as a child.
First car : What his is mine right? A 1991 red Mitsubishi Lancer that I picked out.
First real date venue : Bintang Timur restaurant at Far East Plaza

7 Last(s) : -
Last drink : Plain water. I have to drink 7 cups of water daily!!!!!
Last car ride : My much-loved Lancerlot
Last "movie crush" : Let's see..."Said" in "Paradise Now"
Last phone call : Darling Don
Last song played : Il Divo "Unbreak my heart"
Last food ate : Crunchy chocolate Bar
Last thing I do before I go to sleep : Snuggle snuggle kiss kiss censored censored!!

6 Have You Ever(s) : -
Have you ever dated one of your best friends : Nahhh
Have you ever broken the law : Jaywalking counts?
Have you ever been arrested : Not yet...
Have you ever skinned dipped : hhhmmm......
Have you ever been on TV : When I was 8, being interviewed by Mr Wong Kan Seng.
Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know : HHmmm....

5 Things You Are Wearing : -
top, bottom, shoe, tudung & my sanity.

4 Things You've Done Today : -
  • Chatted online
  • Send a myriad of sms-es
  • Read
  • This stupid tag

    3 Things You Can Hear Right Now : -
  • The irritating humming of the office server
  • The vibration of my hp - somebody's calling
  • Voices in my head asking me whay I bother asnwering this tag.

    2 Things You Can't Live Without : -
    hhmmm I think despite the materialistic girl I am, I can live w/o things but I can't live w/o my 2 pillars of strength
  • My Umi
  • My Don

    1 Thing You Do When You Are Bored : -
    Bug the Don!!!

    5 Beautiful Peeps To Carry On The Game : -
    Naz (Payback Time!!!)
  • Wednesday, July 05, 2006

    Do You Really Wanna Know?

    I have been tagged by Naz (I think she has seen the dearth of activity in here and purposely tagged me.) And so today finally I'm gonna get my butt off the lazy chair and do it.

    24 Useless Facts About Me

    1) I hate the colour purple. Dun know why. I just do.

    2) I had a HUGE crush on Fandi Ahmad when I was 12. When I say huge, I mean
    HUMONGOUSLY HUGE!!! I would cut out every picture of him and attend every event he was at.

    3) I was super gullible as a child and was always bullied by my male cousins. Once they tricked me we were going to the beach and asked me to sit quietly at the back of my uncle's parked station wagon. I sat there for a full 20 mins sweating like a pig while my 2 cousins were sitting in the cool comfort of the house watching tv.

    4) I am a "Climacophobia" - I have a phobia of steep stairs, the overhead bridge kind and stairs with crevices underneath. And I have a recurring dream of tumbling down the stairs.

    5) I loathe folding clothes. Give me the ironing, mopping, cooking n any other household task anytime but no folding please!!!! That's why I have a 12-foot cupboard so I can hang everything on hangers.

    6) I loooorve prawns. I'll eat anything** with prawns in it!!!! (**anything here excludes no 8)

    7) The Don and I call each other 10 times a day and that's the absolute minimum. Our smses are uncountable. My girlfriends can't stand it and they always sigh and roll their eyes whenever I'm with them and my phone rings!!!

    8) Mushrooms and beansprouts are two things I will never, never eat, not even at gunpoint.

    9) Words tend to bypass my brain and leave my mouth. And leave a stinging wound to the people who are hit.

    10) I had asthma as a child and will do anything within my power never to see another being suffer the way I did.

    11) I have never been hospitalised and when I was young I used to fantasize what it felt like. I don't tink I wanna know now!!

    12) I hate watching horror movies. I feel so cheated at the end of every movie I see. Like I paid someone ten bucks to gimme a slap.

    13) I'm stupid with my hands. Creativity is something that is just not in my genes.

    14) Water is to plants as shopping is to me. I'd wither and die without it.

    15) I have only ever had one boyfriend in my life and he is now my husband. And no, I do not wish I had more. (boyfriends, that is, not husbands! hehehe)

    16) I have very few people in my life I consider friends and these few are very precious to me. And no, I do not wish I had more too.

    17) I can't drive and I really, really don't think I was wired to, despite The Don's attempts to sign me up for driving classes.

    18) I am a worrier but I realised it is exactly this trait that has made me the well-prepared person that I am.

    19) I have a bithmark the shape of a paw on my right upper arm.

    20) I have a mole in my left ear, on my lips and 8 others on my face. Its not so obvious as to be immediately visible. But it's definitly there.

    21) My third finger on both hands are a bit curved in. I never knew why.

    22) I finally figured my heritage. I'm 50% Arab, 25% Indian & 25% Malay. Rough estimation. Exact percentage still unknown.

    23) Patience is a virtue I have yet to acquire. I hope I will acquire it someday. Soon.

    24) I'm PREGNANT! and we will be expecting our first-born sometime in Dec.

    Monday, June 26, 2006

    The Dodo's Way It Went

    My mobile just went the way of the Dodo. For no rhyme or reason (none that I could tell, anyway) the phone just went beserk. The buttons on the top part of the slider suddenly refused to work. At first it was just the scrolling buttons of up, down left and right, thereby making reading and sending sms-es a living hell for me. (but at least I could use the side scroller)

    Then, similiarly out of the blue, all the buttons stopped working and the phone was as good as kaput. My phone had always had the "any button answer" turned off in case I was sms-ing and then a call came through so now I couldn't even answer the phone when it rang. I couldn't read my smses either and worst this morning when my alarm rang, I couldn't turn it off. *sigh* I so wanted to throw it against the wall in frustration but my level-headed Don urged me to send it for repair instead since it was still under warranty.

    I'm sending it in today to the mobile hospital. Let's hope they give me a replacement Samsung phone as the only ones I have at home are Nokia ones and well.. Nokia and I are not really on friendly terms .....hee hee

    So meanwhile I am mobile-less and incommunicado. Thank god for web-smses.

    Friday, June 16, 2006

    A Day To Remember...

    Tomorrow 17th June 2006 is the day I turn 16 oops! I mean 26. I usually celebrate my birthday with much pomp and fanfare with cakes, huge bouquets of flowers, presents and usually a little special something from my Darling Don. Since we've been married, we either get the poshest hotel room we can afford (without robbing the bank) to stay the weekend or thats the day he gives me free reign to pick out anything I want. (thats the only day he will accompany me shopping and not groan)

    But as the years go by, I have begun to realise that your birthday is not so much a day for you to celebrate. After all what did you do on that day except make your way into this world, got a smack on the butt and wailed your lungs out? Our mothers, on the other hand, went through hell and highwater to expunge us out of her systems. Assisted or not, it was a near life-or-death moment for her and if anybody should be celebrating, shouldn't it be her? Or better still, we should celebrate the day with our mom to show her our appreciation at having borne us, suffering for the 40 weeks (or more), our constant kicking in the middle of the night and God knows whatever else we did while inside her womb.

    So I think this year, I will make a change. Instead of the day being about me, it shall be about my Umi... and what she went through to bring me into this world.

    But I think I'll allow myself this one bit ....

    Friday, June 02, 2006

    Can You See The Similiarity?

    But I must say out of the 7 this week, he has the nicest voice. But can somebody pls sponsor him a haircut pls????????

    Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    The Movie Worth Waiting For

    Have you ever wondered what goes in the mind of a suicide bomber? Have you wondered if they had 2nd thoughts before they pulled that cord in their bomb? Are they even really volunteers? Or coerced to do it? If you have ever wondered, "Paradise Now" is a movie you would really enjoy watching.

    It tells the story of two Palestinian childhood friends who are called to volunteer themselves for the Intifada cause. Laced with humour at the most unexpected times the story is a heart-wrenching one. You'd never expect to sypathise with suicide bombers but the story gives a human face to them and as we see their struggles and doubts we understand why they do what they do although we do not necessarily support them. And to top it all off, the two lead actors are so handsome they make your heart fly. Kak Liza & I left the cinema with this guy's face and eyes forever etched in our memory.

    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    Girls' Night Out

    We had a wonderful time on Friday at Swensen's PS. Anyone looking at us would think we have been friends for years but truth be told it was the first time some of us were meeting. To say we "clicked" would be a gross understatement. We gelled, rather.
    We brought the whole Swensen's down with our racuous laughter. We even managed to "terrorize" a few waiters. Hehe Can't wait for the next girls' night out.
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    Monday, May 22, 2006

    To Lisa .....

    Hope you enjoyed the bithday dinner and like the gift we got you.

    Many more years of friendship ahead, Insyallah.

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    10 Life's Simple Pleasure

    I kena tagged lah by my neighbour & good fren LizaNoor So here goes....

  • Being in a shopping centre with my husband and he says "Buy anything you want today."
  • When my mother kisses me in the mornings before I go to work and tells me Thank you for being a wonderful daughter.
  • Waking up early on a Saturday morning and realising I can sleep in coz it's SATURDAY!!!!
  • Looking at my childhood photos and realising how lucky I am to have such great childhood memories
  • Opening my eyes in the morning to find Him looking at me sleep.
  • Checking my mail to find my best friend has sent me an e-card.
  • Looking through my treasure box and re-reading love letters & cards of yesteryears.
  • Lying on my king sized bed with crispy sheets after a long trip away from home.
  • Sitting in a cafe giggling away with my best friend as we reminisce our school days, oblivious to stares from nearby patrons.
  • Watching tv with my husband while he rests on my lap.

    Ps: I forgot to tag lah...
    ok here are the 5 ppl who have been tagged
  • LISA
  • LYNN
  • MAYA
  • NAZ
  • Monday, May 15, 2006

    Mother's Day Celebration

    This year, we celebrated Mother's day with a difference. Usually we will choose a fancy smancy restaurant, bring both our moms and then bring on the cake and presents. This year, since we had guests over at our place (my newly wed cousin & hubby), we decided to hold the celebrations at our house instead. We bought a portable grill from Carrefour, 250 raw satay from the owner of our fav stall at Lau Pa Sat (stall No 3 & 4) 4kg of chicken wings & 2kg of drumlets which I marinated with honey & other seasonings, cooked fried bihun, invited my in-laws and had a helluva time.

    The Don and my cousin's hubby, Hakim, took turns bbq-ing while the womenfolk yakked and yakked the day away. (what else right?) After Maghrib, we brought out the cake and the gifts and the smiles on our moms' faces were to die for!!! They especially liked the gifts The Don and I picked out for them, small tokens of our appreciation for being the absolute best mothers we could ask for and our gratitude for their sacrifices all our lives.

    Here are some pics we snapped. More coming up soon....
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    Friday, May 05, 2006

    Three Girls & A Guy

    We left for an inpromptu trip last Saturday to Malacca & Kl. The Don wanted to bring me shopping in KL. (Am I lucky or what??) Then I suggested we stopped mid way at Umbai, Malacca for some seafood. I roped in my two girl friends, Lisa & M and they were both game to join us for a short holiday. So off we went....

    The food in Umbai was as delicious as always. Anybody who has been to Malacca and hasn't been here, you really don't know what you have been missing! We choose our own fresh seafood, tell the guy how you want it cooked and VOILA!!! Since it was only the 4 of us, the Don and I chose one large seabass, 1/2 a kilo of prawns, quarter kilo of squids and some veg. The seafood is to be eaten with small packets of Nasi Lemak and Otak Otak which is provided on the tables and topped up when neccesary. Try not to drool on your keyboard ok....(photos courtesy of Lisa)

    Lelong!!! Lelong!!! There were shellfish too but we were not fans so we skipped them.

    This pic is a bit blur. I think Lisa is holding her digicam with one hand while the other hand she is busy trying to kopek the Otak-otak. hehe

    I think she forgot to take the pic before we devoured the fish so here you only see the skin left. Oooh no evidence of our buruk-makan-ness!!

    Krak Kruk Krak Kruk!!! Very crispy indeed!!

    See the sambal cicah? Power gedemak!!!!

    Immediately after the meal, we continued our journey to Kl to spent the night and start shopping the next day. We didn't actually get much shopping done. We only went to Midvalley & One Utama. But I think we all got what we came to Kl to get. One thing for sure, we had lots and lots to eat.

    I actually wanted to eat crabs but in Umbai the stall we went to ran out of them. So when we were in KL the next night, The Don brought us to Good Evening Bangkok restaurant at One Utama.

    The ambience was great, the service was tip top and the Tom Yum seafood was the kind you'd only get in Bangkok. A small sip sent your nostrils flaring, bells ringing deep in your ears and a tingle in your throat that you could remedy only by having more!!! I asked for black pepper crabs but the waiter said they didn't have crabs that night. But when he came to send the tom yum, I spotted a small crab leg in my bowl. He must have heard me exclaim because he explained that usually they use big crabs for the black pepper dish but if I didn't mind, they could make an exception for me and use these tiny crabs instead. A crab is a crab is a crab. Of course I said YES!!!!!! Such great service is definitely a rarity. I'd definitely recommend the place to anyone who is in need of authentic Thai food with great service.

    For more pics, go check out Lisa's blog.