In case you dun already know, I work for my bro so I'm sorta a celeb in the office. I always get preferential treatment (altho I try my darndest not to take advantage of it) and I get along famously with everyone. Well they do have to get along with me now dun they?? hehehe (evil grin)
So anyway when I came back to the office this morning after 2 days of MC (another perk: unlimited MCs) my bro's secretary filled me in on what happened the two days I was MIA. Apparently the recep at my office complained to the other lawyer saying how the rest of us in the office are insensitive to her plight. She says that all day long we all go on and on about the latest sales in town, scour the newspapers for the latest bargains and go on and on about getting ourselves new blings-blings and always go to the latest eatery in town. The secretary and I felt especially slighted coz usually its our mouths that go yakking non-stop about sales and diamonds all day. She says we are insensitive to her financial situation. She feels "left out" and "inferior" coz she cannot participate. WHAT THE F???
Dun misunderstand me, I'm not the cold, heartless bitch I sound like today. I'm only this way coz I'm so infuriated at such petty, childish office politickus going on. I do sympathise, I understand that she makes a whole lot lesser than I do (in fact a whole lot lesser than everyone else in the office) and that she and her hubby does have two kids to feed. But hey, TO EACH HIS OWN!!! I mean its not as if we dun have our share of problems albeit not so much of a financial nature. And its not as if we are inciting her to buy or shop or go eat. Or shoving our wordly items in her face. In any case, the conversation is between me and my bro's secretary only with occassional interjections by our other colleagues. No reason for her to feel pressurised at all!!! After all the other people in the office dun feel it why should she? I can't help my inborn shopaholic nature and no one said she has to follow suit. No one's putting a gun to her head saying she has to keep up. No one ever said life is fair. You simply make the best of it, somehow.
Let's not forget it was
moi who started the idea of a "makan fund" in the office so that we can all go n eat sumwhere nice and non-food-court-like for lunch. Only problem is the money can only last us for one lunch outing a month and sometimes when there is a special buffet somewhere in the middle of the month I will highlight it and ask if they wanna go anyway. (on the basis of going Dutch) We always ask her along but she usually declines, citing some excuse of other. So we usually go sans her. The way we see it, its her perogative.
And when we go to the mosque for Zuhr prayers, the other ladies there will usually make snide remarks like
"Pergi makan besar lagi hari ni?" "Makan kena ajak ajak org tau" to my other two Muslim colleagus. They dun target me coz at the mosque I'm a "salam and go" person. No time to chit chat with the makciks2 about their mother-in-laws from hell stories or what their maid is doing at home while they're at work. **rolls eyes** Apparently she has been going round telling ppl we dun ask her along when we go lunching or sumthing to that effect.
Its really difficult working with someone who would better fit handling a childcare centre. (or perhaps even enrol in one) The smallest things offends her and she expects people around her to suit her moods and temperaments rather than change herself to suit her surroundings. She expects to be pampered and showered with attention and be treated like the "baby" of the office. I wish I can tell it to her face to
GROW UP but my position as the Boss's sister will make it an extremely fragile situation.
I mean seriously, what the hell is she expecting? Are we not supposed to talk about our latest buys and plan-to-buys in reverence to her?? Do we not have a right to decide where to spend OUR OWN HARD-EARNED MONEY the way we deem fit??? I may sound harsh but I think where you are in life is where you have to adjust to being. And if you dun like the situation you're in then you'll have to do something to change it. You can't expect people to accommodate you every single time. Uurrghh !!!!!!!
And in case you think I'm haughty & bimbo-ish coz I have a silver spoon in my mouth, think again!!! These past months has been sufferable for me. Its no mean feat trying to equip the house as well as hold a wedding at the same time. Its been crazy making ends meet so if you talk about "sucking it in" I damn well know what that means. *My friends can attest to how many sales I have missed this year *sob *sob* and how I have been scrimping & saving*
At the end of the day I guess it takes simple common sense and the occasional reality check (mental checks would help too in her case) that will ensure you dun live a miserable life of constantly seeing life thru green eyes.