Saturday, October 23, 2004


Its 12.55am and The Don just dropped me off at home!!! I just came back from our new place where we held this year's Iftar for the usual gang. This year the gang shrank to 5 (not too bad actually now everyone can finally fit in our car)

It was a potluck thingy considering the fact that my kitchen belum berasap and the result of it --> WAY TOO MUCH FOOD!!!! I prepared Mee Goreng Seafood, egg salad and honey-glazed chicken while Lisa brought Murtabak and Nani brought a "biskut Marie sumthing-sumthing". Hafiz came much later armed with epok2.

We were supposed to have an iftar + terawih at our house but we ended up chit chatting the whole time away. hehehe Its been a long while since we met up so there was just soo much stories to catch up on. After makan we caught the rerun of Singapore Idol and then watched Starsky & Hutch and before we knew it it was already 12 midnight.

I didn't take any pics on that day so I'm waiting for Lisa to load hers before I pilfer some.

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