Wednesday, October 27, 2004



I really really do. I've been such good girl, going home everyday after work and staying indoors even on weekends. All because we're on a super tight budget. Why so extreme you ask ? Me being me, every trip out would surely cost me (actually The Don) at least $100 buckaroos what with dinner and the impulse shopping. So one surefire way to save the moolah is to stay home. (Oh and yes I have resorted to keeping my credit cards at home under lock and key too!!)

But I'm suffocating. It has been hellish not being anywhere near a shopping centre for the past 3 weeks. It's almost like the shopping centres have all obtained a Personal Protection Order against me. It ain't easy going Cold Turkey!! I have almost forgotten the soft cool breeze of the aircon vent as I walk into a store, the musky sweet smell of leather as I trawl the handbags section, the click-clicking of heels as ladies sashay around in the stilettos on sale and the soft silky feel of a blouse brushing the tip of my fingers as I squeeze through aisles and aisle of garment. Oh It's all coming back to me now....(so drama mama)

Tis' the problem when the word "average" just doesn't seem to exist in my dictionary. I tried, honestly I have. (M would attest to this) but I just can't make myself settle for something that has anything less than the word "Best" on it. So as a result I have to suffer and scrimp and save just so I can have things my way. Well at least I am using my own money (his money is my money too what!!!) so I dun have to answer to anyone.

Well anyway.. I feel like I have my head dunked underwater (ala the commando on trial) and I dun even get a chance to come up for air. I think it's time I cut myself some slack. And with the Metro Warehouse Sale going on and extra moolah coming in this month, what better time than now? And with The Don away for a business trip to KL on Fri, I won't have to shy away from looking in his eyes the way I usually do when I ter-overspend. hehehe

So I got it all planned out. Come Friday, M and I are gonna paint the town red on Friday. First stop the new chic Halal eatery for our breakfast then off to Expo for the Metro warehouse sale. Ooohh I can almost smell the barely dried glue of the SALE signs hanging all over the Expo. hehee


Musang said...

you seriously should read shopaholics novels.

they are interesting.

rebecca bloomwoods is pretty much like the ter-overspend cases while shopping.

lol. happy shopping anyway...

shsuya said...

Bitch.. I DO .. I Do... I love her books!!! Reading Sophie Kinsella's books is a lot like reading about myself... shopping-wise that is...I have read all her shopaholic series xcept the "Shopaholic and Sister" Are u an avid fan too?

Musang said...

i have all her books...including 'can you keep a secret'...

well, except the last one, shoppaholic and sister...

gonna get it after raya...

shsuya said...

aaahhh nak pinjam ..nak pinjam !!!!! If only we were on the same side of the border. :(

I love her style of writing. Makes it such a relaxing read although no less engaging.