Monday, July 12, 2004

Hum A Do Drum...

I caught myself humming as I was serving dinner for THE DON just now. I'm not a hummer so when I hum I guess it just means I am really, really happy.

We ended the Kursus Pra-Nikah today and finally got the much-needed, much-anticipated cert. Today's programme was definitely the most interesting of the four days we have attended. The speakers were upfront, frank and didn't waste much time with silly group work activities like the days before. Probably because one of the modules covered today was "Kasih & Seks". The speaker was Ustadz Mohd Khair and he was hilarious!!! His animated anecdotes literally left us either laughing in stitches or guffawing in embarassment. His approach was very unique and slightly off-course from what you would normally expect of an Ustadz's delivery. Most of the day was spent comparing notes on what we thought of ourselves and what is our perception of our soon-to-be life partners. Alhamdullilah THE DON and I have healthy, solid-on-the-ground expectations of each other and are aware of our own shortcomings. I guess this is the part where the 8 long years we have spent knowing each other kicks in.

The other half of the day, as what normally happens at certificate presentation ceremonies, was filled with pleasantries and lotsa speeches from the relevant chairmans and tablemans of various committees. *Yawn*

After kursus on Saturday, our designer, Joe brought us to his completed projects sites to see real-life examples of his work. Wow!! It felt like we were being transported into the pages of Home & Decor magazines. We went to 4 different houses together and they were all very nicely done. And we did more than see their workmanship, we STOLE THEIR IDEAS!!!!hahaha hahaa. If only we had the fooloos to turn our abode into the 'syurga duniawi' these people have done with their houses. *SIGH* *DOUBLE SIGH* Looks like we'll have to made do with plastic chairs and coffeeshop dining table for now! Or even better, the trusty old tikar mengkuang !!

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