Friday, August 20, 2004

As Different As Night & Day

My sis brought back a stack of boxes for me last night. No she is not kicking me outta the house. (not yet, anyway, hehe) I asked her to bring the boxes back from the hospital for me to pack my books. I have a whole lot of books and magazines to bring over to our new place. I am getting a headache just thinking where to put them in my new house, especially with the reno not done yet. Looks like they will have to stay in the boxes until The Don and I find a suitable bookcase to put in our study.

You know that question, "if you were stranded on an island, what or who would you want with you?" My answer would be a whole lot of books !!! I'd die without books. I started reading all on my own at the tender age of 3. I still can remember my very first book. A Read-It-Yourself Ladybird book "The Enormous Turnip". I think then, I must have had the entire collection of Ladybird books. I read almost everything and anything from heavy duty religious books to self-help books and even comics. (exception being horror stories, I dun find them the least interesting). And I read voraciously. Imagine completing Vikram Seth's 1504 pages of "A Suitable Boy" within a week. And no, I did not skip pages !!!! It probably comes from the blood. My parents are both avid readers, My late dad especially, being a journalist and all.

Which is why I never imagined myself marrying someone who considers reading a major chore. The Don does not enjoy reading, for some reason. (He can't do without his daily newspapers though, but thats about all he ever reads) He feels its too dormant an activity and takes up time for which he can do so much more. I used to feel quite disturbed by this. I felt that one can not be considered an 'intellectual' if one does not like reading (this was back when one of my criteria for a future hubby was that he must b an intellectual!) I wondered how in the world would I be able to communicate with him if he has no inkling as to what is happening in the rest of the world. And of course, I felt that since he does not read, he will not be able to share my love for literature and the world of words. Surprisingly, when it came down to it, it hardly mattered.

Sure, the line "TO BE OR NOT TO BE..." draws a blank look from him but ask him about the situation in Iraq and he'd be able to tell you the latest happenings complete wirh his analysis of what will happen in 2 years time. And about the "intellectual" bit, I've since realised he is what you would categorise as "street-smart" and thats a whole lot more useful for day to day living than E=MC2.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that 2 people can be poles apart but when you're meant to be together, somehow you will find the middle point and carve a path for your journey together. And when you look back, you will realise that the sights along the path you're on is way better than the road more oft taken.

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