Wednesday, August 11, 2004

What A Magnificient View

The view from atop the Mount Faber hill in the day.

The view from atop the hill at night.

Yesterday after work, after a short tete-a-tete with Alisa, The Don and I brought Umi my grandaunt and the 'lil cheeky boy, Idris to Mount Faber. My grandaunt ever came to Singapore in the 70's with her late husband and the thing she remembers most about her visit here is her ascent up the hill with her late husband. I've never seen my granduncle but judging from her stories I guess he must be quite a romantic person. Anyway the view was as wonderful as always.

I love everything about going up to Mount Faber. I like driving up the steep slope on the way up, the cool fresh breeze at the top, the cafe at the top aptly called "The Hill" and of course the breath-taking view of Singapore town on the one side and the cool lights off the ships on the sea on the other side. The Don and I come up quite often, although mostly with relatives to show them the view. Once we even "beguiled" ourselves and went to see a show house of a Semi-D unit at the foot of the hill. Ha! Wishful Thinking!!!!!

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