Tuesday, August 03, 2004

The weekend was a splendid one for The Don and me. It was a major achievement for us of sorts. Firstly, we managed to hold our very first event in our new house, despite it being barren and void of furnishing. The Doa Selamat & makan session we held went great. My sister was such a darling, preparing a whole pot of dalchar for the event. Yes she brought the whole, huge periuk!!! We bought Nasi Briyani and his sister, Aishah came with lots and lots of chicken from KFC. We initially wanted to make do with paper plates and cups but my mother-in-law had already prepared a whole set of her own utensils and crockery to give to us. I intended to only use it for the event but she insisted we keep it for good. She even gave us 4 sets of her pyrex serving trays. Alhamdulillah Syukur. The event went well although it was a mad rush for us getting things ready as we reached home barely a few minutes before my sister, bro-IL and father-in-law arrived.

The bigger achievement over the weekend was getting my parents-in-law (FIL in particular) to sleep over at our house. He does not like sleeping over at any place other than his own house so the fact that he agreed to sleep over at ours was a great achievement indeed. We had to make do with mattresses on loan from my sister and pillows courtesy of MIL. But I guess they didn't mind it one bit. Especially The Don's sister and youngest brother. They frolicked on the mattress in the cool bask of the air-con all day long. Hehehehe. I left very late on Saturday night after making sure everything was in order and came back early on Sunday morning to have breakfast with them. (You didn't expect me to sleep over as well now did you?!!) The best part was when my FIL announced that he was leaving soon after breakfast but continued to stay on till after Asar. The Don and I gave a High-5 to each other in the kitchen when we realised it was almost Asar and FIL was still happily watching tv. That, The Don and I felt, was the most telling sign that we managed to make him feel comfortable at our place.

Coming from an extra huge family, I do like family gatherings such as these and I hope that I will continue to manage to make them feel at home whenever they come to visit in future.

Next week will be my family's turn to sleep over at our house. My cousins will be coming from KL so The Don and I are thinking of getting everyone to sleep over. We are treating the house like some holiday chalet where you sleep all day long and only get up to eat, watch tv then sleep again. hehehe. Its been great since we've had the house. Almost everyday after work, The DON and I will stop over, clean the house a little and sometimes have dinner there then go back to our respective homes. Its such a wonderful feeling having a space to call your own!!!

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